Minutes 1952-02-20 186 ~ ~ , Arroyo Grznde, Ca].ifornia ~ February 2~~ 19~2 ~ The City ~ouncil met i.n ragular session with M~yor Wa3.ter~ presiding. Upon roll c~ll Councilmen Purcell~ ~ixson, Darrma.nn and gonr~d reported present, The minutes of the previous regular meeting w+ere rezd sind approved r-. a.s rn ad . Ga.il Covert, Ma.ude Loomis ~nd Andrew D~vid ~ppeared before the ~ouncil to discuss the s~.le of p~rt of the City Park Property. A motion w~.s ma.de ~.nd seconded lbo advertise the property for sa7.e and this motion ws~s l~ter withdra.~rn. a RESOLUTION # 267 _ - RESOLiJTIaN aF TI~ CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GR.ANDE, CQUNTY (3F SAN LUIS OBISPQ, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RELATIVE TO THF; SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY. , Pa.sse~ and adopted by the following roll c~ll vote: j AYES: Councilmen W~iters~ Purcell~ Di.xson, D~mmann and ~onrsqd. ; A motion wzs m~.de by Councilm~n ~onra.d, seconded by Councilm~n Purcell th~t the City offer for szle re~l property described in the foregoing Resolution exelusive of buildings, znd the City to hzve the right to remove the building within 6 months. Date of szle to be T~arch 1~, 1952 at 8 O~clock P. M. ,~1.1 meanbers voted Aye. The Clerk wzs instructed to write Mr. Peterson asking him for prit0ies on the 8 inch line from the well on Ha.lcyon Ro~.d znd on to 101 H~tn1 ~1so for the survey znd ~cquisition of right of wzy. Councilma.n Dixson reported Mr. Clark w~s out of town~ but would ta.ke care of the horses, when he returned. Councilm~n Purcell reported he hzd talked with Mr. Peterson in reg~rd to Fluoridation of the City ~ater a~nd said it would mea.n there would h~ve to be 2 inst~llations, a.s the wells were so far zpart and it woial.d double the cost of the equipment ~nd they would cost from ~700.00 to 1000.00 for ezch. The Cotmcil recommended there be further study ~nd to get prices ~nd discuss the ma,tter when the budget w~s to be ma.de up. Councilmzn Dixson made ~ motion, seconded by ~ouncilman Conrad to ea11 for bids for 5000 feet of 8 inch Transite pipe a,nd 2000 feet of 6 inch tra.nsite PiPe• , The Heading of the Business License 6rdin~nce wa.s rea~d and a motion wa5 m~de by Councilm~n Conra.d, seconded by Councilman Darama~nn ~to dispense with the rea~ling of the b~la.nce of the ~rdin~.nce. , ~t a,.~, Q~f ~ C~ ~1 ORDINANCE # 102 AN ORDINANCE LICEAISIPZG FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATION5 AND REVENUE~ THE TRANSATION .AND CARRYING C3N QF EVERY KIN~ OF LAWFtJL BUSINE5SES, TRADES, PR4FESSIONS, CALLIIVGS AND OCCUPATIC~NS CA:RRIED ON IN T~ ' CITY OF Ai~RQY(i GRATIDE, CALI FORNIA, FIXI~IG THE R1TE OF LI.'"~ NSE TAX THEREQN A1VD REGULATING TI~ USE OF PUBLIC STRELTS FOR BUSiNESS PtJRPOSES AND PROVI~IDING A PENALTY FC}RTf~ VIOLATIQN TF~REOF AND REPEA;r ING ALL OTI~R ~tD:iNANCE;S IN CONFLICT HEfi~'WITH. On motion of ~ouncilmari Dixson, seconded by ~ouncilman Furcell the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the following roll c~ll votet ~YES: Councilm~n ~lziters, Purcell~ Dixson, Dammarin ~nd ~onrad. ° NCJES: ' None ABSENT: None ~ ' RESC~LUTI021 ~ 268 ' A RESDLUTION (~F `THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-E CITY OF ARROYO GRAIVDE, AU-THOR.TZING ACCEPTANCE OF EASEN~NT D~D FOR RIGHT OF WAY FCffi. PIPE LINE. ' tk~ motion of Councilmzn Conrad, seconded by Councilman ~ammann the fo~egoing Resolution was adopted by the following roll c~ll votet • AYES: Councilma.n Wzi.ters, Purcell~ Dixson~ Damnsuln znd Conrzcl Nt~ES ; None ' ABSE`~T: None Qn motion of Councilmzn Damr~a,nn, seconded by ~ouncilm~.ri Purcell it was sgreed to pa.y the election officers w8.00 per d'ay. Mr. Mc Coy was zs~ked to ge~ ~ description from S~.ruwatzri on the pipe line ~1.ong (3rand Avenue Extension. ' ' ~ Mayor Wziters appointed Councilmen Conrad and Di~on to survey the street work and fin~,ncing of street work for the rnext fi=ca~]. year a.nd to ~ report at the M~rch 19th meeting. ~ Mr. Peterson was to be asl:ed to give costs on dr~ina~ge survey ete. for Cornwall, Rena. a.nd to the Creek. ~ouncilman Dixson m~e ~ motion, seconded by Councilma~n Dananznn to a.dvertise for the purchzse ~nd or le~se or for re ntal of z l~ex or Used Lozder tre bids to be opened ~rch 19' 1952 a~t 8:00 P. Bills ag~i.nst the General Fund for $ 1,587.50 ,~.nd the Water Fund for ~ 1~33.10 ~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business a~ppea,ring ~nd upon motion the meeting ~tas adjourned. ~ _ .~TTEST: ! ~ _ Clerk ~ Ma,yor