Minutes 1952-06-04 ` ~ ~ys ~ Ths City Council m~t in r~gulzr ~ession with NTayor ~impson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Waiters~ ~ne~t:$urt reported pre~snt. Ab~on~ ~ Councilman ~onr~d. ~ The minute~ of the previous regul.ar mseting were ~ad And approv~ed ~s rs~d. Motion of approval by Kerr, saconded by Waiters. No comnunications. Highw~y Interim Committe~ me~ting rsport :n~.d~ by Mr. ~nd~rson. Mr. Anderson rca.d the written report, which ha propose~ to submit to th~ Committes on its return to S~.crzmento. it~comnended by ~ouncil thzt this be ~dopt~d as Citic~ r~port. Mr. Kerr m~ds a. re~port on the Water Dep~rtment. IYTr. Anderson rsport~ d th~t the P. G. & E ha.d not ch~cked W~lls zs yet. I~Ir. Wa.itcrc m~d~ z-report on the street d~pa.rtmdnt. He said he hoped to ~tart on ~Ipine Str~et very soon. Mr. Anderson reported no ona s:aned to bs ~$t~r~ct~d in th~ ~rood dispo~a.l from the tree~ on Alpine. It was requssted tha.t Mr. Anderson get an estimzts on dispo~zl of the trees by the City itself. i~iatt~rs ~lubmitted by Chief Nlize for a~snda: ~,sked zpprovzl of William Greenrock as n~w Policeman for the City. Councilm~n Burt moved Councilmzn W~iters ssconded , William Greenrock hirsd zs pztrolma,n for ~ity of Arroyo Gr~.nde, to serve ~t plezsur~ of Council. ` Rcque~t opinion on "OnQ b~17. m~chin•s - Council sa.ys inforce thQ lstw. ?~fa~nts som~ method of detarmining wh~th~r mnchine, is or i~ not licensead. Recommandad th~t City Clerk get some ~ticker~ to show licensing'of Machin~s. Request by 1'1r. Gordon Dixson for line, ~et-r and fire hydrant discuss~d. Couneil rul~d thzt he must pzy for th~ line and meter a.nd hezd; and pipeli~e th:rea.fter be turnoad ov~r to the ~ity. Moved by Councilman Kerr - no second. He furni~h pip~ ~nd ~ig ~nd covcr tr~nch. City to make connection of pipe joints. Fails f or izck of motion, Councioman '~~iters mov~s, Dixson to get water, h~ l~y lins into hi~ meter, our cr~w to t~p onto ma,in line znd set meter and th~a line, to becoms property of Cit~;..~econded by i~ouncilr»n K~rr. Council so ordered. Council- man Burt did not votc~: Consta.ble Dznz told Council that County would be presented with Dog va.ccin~tion ordin~nce ar.d ~.sked City to go ~long with it. Mayor Simpson them ~ r~ised th~ question of the enforcement of the Dog licensing ordinznce. W~iters t~ movcs Council go on record a~ favoring 3doption of Dog v~ccinztion ~eC pr~scnt Dog license Ordinance, if County adopts such zn Ordinanecs. 24?~ ~ ~ a~. M~tter of lighting at Grand ~v~nues znd Y01• ~'ir. And~~^son to cont~et f~" P. G. & E and Hiahwa.y rega.rding illumina~tion of tha.t intersection. Councilman ~faitcrs ~nd Mr, Anderson to contact Planning ~ommission and Lions Club regaxding the pl~nning of the park. Motion of Counci~m~n Wzitcrs, seconded by Kerr th~t Councilm~n Burt be allowcd to leav~ the Sta,te. ~~1otion p~s:~ed. Bills ~gzinst the Gener~l r und ~lis056.28 ~nd for the Wzttr Fund for,$1,11t0•31~ znd th~ wat~r veposit fund for __~~.L-= ~ were audited ~pprovsd a.nd order~d p~id~ No further ~iisiness a.ppezring the mseting wzs adjourned. ATi'EST: ~ ' Q ~ . Mayor , -0- . - ' Arroyo Grande~ ~alifornia June 17, 1952 ~he City ~ouncil met in regular session with I:~yor Simpson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr~ Wai'ters and Conrad reported present. Absent Councilman Burt. The minutes of the previous regul ar meeting were read and approved as read. RESULUTION ~~~273 RESOLliTION OF THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY QF ARROYO GRAPIDE, REC~N11"IF;i1DING ThE FOR,~i~iAL ADO~TI~N OF THE FREE6J4Y AGRY;ET°IENT~ AS REC02~G~~ENDED BY T:~ CALI~ ORiv IA HIGHWAY CG~ti°lI: STON . On motion of Councilman Tr.aiters, seconded by Councilman Conrad the f oregoing Resolution ~ras adopted by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Waiters and Conrad Noes: None Absent: Councilman Burt RESQLUTTON # 271~ R~,SOLUTIf~N OI~' THE CTTY COL':^~C1L OF TH~; CITY aF AR:~.OYU GRAT?DE r",~f3PTING BUDGr,T AI1D t~PPHQVlT1G i~~r:tIQRANDiIbi U!~ AGR:c;ETt1ENT ~4~t EXPENDITURES ~}F GAS TAX ~LLOCATIi~11 F~iR ;iAJQR CITY STR?~:ETS.