Minutes 1952-07-09 , 20S ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Galifornin • Ju~y 9, 1952 The City Council ~et as a Board of Equilization with Mayor Simpson presiding. Upon roll~call ~ouncilmen xerr, Waiters, Burt and Conrad reported present. There being no protests filed-. and nn one present to protest the•meeting was adjourned to July 16, 1952• The ~o ncil now convens to t.ake care of the 19~2-53 budget. A letter of resignation from Counciiman ~onrad was r~ad and ~ouncilman Kerr moved to acccpt Conrad's resignation. Councilman Burt seconded the motion. The motion was withdrawn and amended to take effect at the close of the ;seeting. Budget figures were discussed and it was decided to set the salaries to be paid. A,fter much discussion they were set as follawst Clerks salarq ~350,00 per month, Chi~f of Police ~380.00 per month; pol~ce p~trolmen ~310.00 per ~onth. Str~ct and rlater Department foremen ~305•~ per month, assistants ~27Q.00 per ~ month. These amounts to take effect Muly 1~ ~952• Councilman ~onrad moved and ~ouncilman Kerr seconded the motian to adopt the water budget as amendedd AYter more discussion Mayor S~impson suggested the ~hief of Police be allowed to hire an extra man for a period o~ the three months and see if it wauld work out. I Mayor Simpson reao¢nmended the bud~et as amended be adopted and ~ouncilman ~onrad mov~d and ~ouneilman ~aiters seconded the motion to adopt the budget as ~ amended. Motion carried. Councilman Kerr was given permisgi.on to leave the state for six weeks. No further business appearing the meeting was adjourned. AT'I"EST: ~ • City l erk ~ ~ , May . ~ . -a . Amemded: 7-16-52 rr~iayor Si>>:pson appointed a Committec of himself and Councilnten Burt ~.nd Waiters to select some one for ~ouncilman to replace B. v. ~'onrad, jr. ~rho had resigned at. the meeting t~;eld Jul~~ 9th." ,