Minutes 1952-07-16 ~o~ Arrogo Grande, ~alifcrnia ~ July 16, 1952 The Cit$ Cauncil met in regular session with M~yor ~impson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmcn Waiters and Burt reported present. Absent Councilman Kerr. The minutes of the previous regular and ad~ourned meeting were read and _ a.pproved after the minutes of the adjourned meeting was amended as followst "Mayor Simpson appointed a ~ommittee of himslef and ~ouncilmen Burt and ~~aiters to select some one for Councilman to replace B. D. Conrad, Jr. who h~d resigned zt the meeting held July 9th". Councilman ~+aiters reported on the COTCIi111ttCC meeting held ~uly 12th and that they had chosen Faul Sturges to take the place of B. D. Conrad, Jr. Councilman Waiters moved and motion was seeonded by ~ouncilman ~urt that g~ul Sturges fill the unexpired term of Conrad. Al1 members present t¢~oted aye,: $ , Paul Sturges was sworn in by the ~lerk and Mayor Simpson said Councilman Sturges had requested that he not sit in at this meeting. ~ The Council ad3ourned to sit as a Boa~d of Equalization and there were no protests on file. J. J. Schnyder asked if the Assessed valuation h~d been raised~ and xas told they had not been raised. No one pr~sent protesting, the Bozrd. of Equa.lization meeting wad decl~rr.d adjourned. _ The Council now pr.oceeded with the regr~lar order of business. Mr. ~uchanan's request to take the balance of his vacation, was approved by the ~ouncil. ~ A motion was made by Councilman Waiters, seconded by ~ouncilman ~urt approvi ng the Chief of Police ~.ppointment of hoss ~layton as Police ~fficer to serve at the pleasure of thc ~ouncil for z period of 3 months~ tr5.a1. Mayor Simpson asked Mr. Anderson to present the Maps and plans for improve- ments in the Western Ad.ditian and the 5outh Alpime s~re~: Sewer, drainage, curba, gutters and street i.mpeovements were discussed. Mrs. D. P. ~'hompson protested thc og~etaing up of Rena S'I1Z'CCt~ as A1pim~ stre~t needed improving. It was explained that the water stood in tY~e yards on thc west side of Alpine Strcet. Several other propcrty owners discussed the sugbestcd impro~rements in t,he area. Mr. Colton and Mr. Jacobs both expressed thernselves much in favor of sewers and imprnvements. It was agreed to see how much money it wc~uld take and how the cost would bc spread, and hold a special meeting July 30th, and have more comp~.cre estim~ted prepared. Mr. Andcrson asked about adopting the new 1952 ~uildin~ ~ode and it was decided to have Mr. Hzrris preparc an Ordinance for the adoption of the 195~ ~ode. Mr. Anderson reported he had contacted the Division of Highways about a double linc on the curve South of Town and thcy had agrced to putting in the double . v 210 ~ , y line, but the speed limit signs could not be cha~:ged. They asked for a copy of ~ Accident rep~rts on ~ny Major accidents on lA1 Highway; so they could determine by the number of accidents if they were caused by any particula r re~sons. a Bills against the General r~und for ~ 1,591t•85 , and the Water ~1znd for ~ 545•30 werc audited, approved ~nd ordered paid. No further business appcaring and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: 1 erk ~ Mayor -0- ~ Arroyo Grande, California J~V 3~, 1952 The City ~ouncil met in spccial session to discuss improvements in WCStCT11 Addition and the ~outh ~lpine Ar~a. Mafor simpson presided and present were Councilmen W~iters, Burt, and Sturges... Absent ~ouncilma~n Kerr. Mr. Anderson presented the mAp with the suggested improvements arid had some tentati,ve estimates on the different improvements. Some of those present s~ked xhat the improvements would cost for individual props~x~t~:es and w.ere givan * estim~.tes, as ttiey had been figured. _ I'f He was ~sked if cert~.in parts of the work could be done without doing all of the work, they were told it would proba.bly be cheaper in the long run to do it a11 ~t orle time . Mr. Harris explained that the engineer.ing work would iiave to done befoxe . ~ passing a Resolution of intention to hold a hearing. Councilman ~turges moved that the Engineer be authorized to prepsre proper engincering reports to cover the improvement of ~estern Addition s~nd the ' South ~lpine ~is#~rict to be ~vzil~ble for the Council by the second m~eting in SQptember ~if piassible, ~ouncilma.n ~~aiters seconded the motion and all members votec~ ~Y~• No further business zppearing the meeting was adjourned. ^ ~ p _ -ATTEST: i ~ Clerk Mayor ~