Minutes 1952-08-06 21 ~ Arroyo Gr~,ndes California~ August 6~ 1952 The City Council met in re gulzr session with Mayor Simpsan presiding. Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Wstiters~ Burt and Sturges reported present. $bsentt Councilman Kerr. The minutes of the previous regulzr a~nd speci~l meetings were reac]. znd approved as read. The minutes of the Pl~nning Commission ~rere reatl a.rrbd ordcred filed. n Councilman Sturges moved and Councilman Waiters seconded the motion ~h,o appoint A~ibrey Hswk zs z member on the P`lanning Co~nmission. A11 members present v~oted aye. Cauncilmm Burt moved and it w~s seconded by Mayor Simpson that J. Vard Loomis , ~ be reappointed to serve on the Commission for four ye~.rs. A11 members present ~oted aye. The report from the Chief of Folice was read znd zpproved znd his reque st for e~epenses to a meeting of ~hiefs ~nd Sheriffs to be he1~d August 11~-16 at Long Beach wsis discussed and a motion was mzde by Councilman Wziters~ seconded by Mayor Simpson~ to a~rove the request. The report from Judge Eldridge wzs re~d And ordered filed. The ad.ditional premium for a~utomobile P. L. ~rxi P. D. from Hartford waa~ di~cussed and Mr. Harris agreed to write Mr. Roberts~ the representztive for the Hartfcmd r Companq~ abaut the insur.~nee. ,et.w ~o~ti,...~ a /.t " 7~ Oin the heari g or th A31riCXA't7.021 of Tract No. 75 there were no protests srtxnd Mr. Harria rezd the Ordins~nce for the ~nn~exztion of Tract No. 75 fcr the first time. ' Resolut~on No. 279 Besolution of the City Cauncil of the City of Arroyo Grande levying ts~.~e~ for the currant fiscal yeax 1952-1953 ~pon ~7.1 t~xable property wi.thin the City of Arroyo Gra,nde ~tnd fi~.ng th~e rate of such ta~c. • Pa~ssed and uiopted by the following roll ca11 vote: ~ A,yest Councilmen Simpson, Waiters~ Burt and Sturges. ~ Noas: None Absent: Councilman Kerr. Mayor Simpson a.ppointed Councilmen Waiters znd Sturges to meet with Mr. Hopkins and the high school trustees to discuss the ~greement for widening of Vs~11ey Ro~d z1an~ the high school property. Mr. Harris agreed to prepare ~ resolution to dispense with th~ re~.ding of ~ the ~ninutes ~t each meeting. Copies of the minutes to be rr~iled to ea.ch council ; member st Ieast five ds~ys prior to ezch regul~r meeting. 212 ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Harris e~cplzi.ned a.bout methods of getting a. right of w~.y for drainAge on the 1~0 foot sti~p of unnamed roa.d from Tr~l.ly-Ho to. the P. C. Railway' ~hich• ha.d been s~bandoned. It would have to hs.ve title search or get an easem~nt fro~ the property o~,mers on either side. ~ Mayor Simpson reported he ha.d talked with officials from King City in ~ regard to a Sales Tue for the City and he felt the City of {lrroyo Grande should levy a~ sales ta..~ ~s he thou~t it should net in the neighborhood of ~20~000.00~ ~hich would help out on street improvements~ pa.rks ~nd recrea.tion znd we might even have ~ ~rirrmu.ng pool. ~ Mr. Ha~rris s~id they would h~ve to pzss an Ordinance to put on a sa1e~ tax. M~yor Simpson asked Mr. Hs~.rris to outline the procedure a~nd have an Ord3.nance rea~dy for the first meeting in September. ~ The warr~nts from the Gener~l Fund fo~ ~I~,332.88~ the Wzter ~t,in.d for $1,533•55 ~d the Water Deposit ~,ind for $!tlt.00 were rea.d and ~ motion wa~ made b~ Councilman Sturges~ s econded by Councilman Burt~ to pa~y the bills. All members voted"a.ye"e~cept Councilman Wa~iters~ who voted rNo"~ ~s thc biLl.~ had not been Audited. The ma.tter wa~s discussed stnd the Councilmen sgreed to meet a.t 7:15 P.M. on the first mecting of the month and ~s30 P. M. at the eecond meeting ~o the billa could be a.udited before the meeting. ~ No further bu~iness appe~ring the meeting ~ adjourned. i , _ . , ~ . ~ttest z City Cler yor x~sOLUT 1i4. 478. ? 1~SOLUTIO~ OF T~ CITY ARFbDYO dRAI!~ RSI.~TI11S TO TF~ TI~ ~ I~THm OP' P~7~G S~L~RiBS A1~ID ~TAC~S OF'FICBRS A19D 81~TAYB~FS TH~St}F. On ,ot3~Oa ot C.e?maeil~uin Burt, a~d sscondsd by Couneilauo~ Starg~a, and ~ ths follaNing rv17. call vot,~ r ~Ss CauaciLreaa 8i~peon, Yaitera, Bt~rt end Sturgee. NElES s Noam XBSENTt Councila~ Eerr The toregoing Re~olutiou vas adoptsd this 6th da~? ot Cugaat~ ~95~• . , x