Minutes 1952-10-07 220 ~ ~ ~ ~ Bills against the Gcner~l Fund f or ~6, 031.85~ the Wzter Fund f or ~1, 973•58 ~ t,he Wa,tcr Deposit F4ind for ~32.00 and the Speci~l Ga~ Taa Street T.~nprovement Z~.ind for ~2'06$.00 were ~uditedi approved ~nd ordered ps~.id. . No'further business appearing upon m:otion the rneeting ad~ourned. ~ I 4 ATTEST: City Clerk M~Y Arro~~o Grande, C~lifornxa~ october 7, 1952• A special meeting of the City Council ws.s cstilled to discuss Mr. La~dt~rig's request to put up A temporary ahelter for some of his materials and alao to discuss Mr. Fred Shaeffer's request for a w~ter line on Faeh ~venue. Mayor Simpson presided and present were Councilmen Burt and Sturgea. Absent Councilmen W~.iters ~nd Kerr. Mr. Ladwig c~ne in a.nd said he would be ~illing to put up s bond that al.l sheds not hsving concrete foundatians or floars ~ould be removed by Ju],y 1, 1953• ~he request t~ras discussed and Councilman Stwrges recom~ended ' that Mr. Ha.rris be zsked to drayr up :n a:greement for Mr. Ladwig to sign. On the Fred Shzeffer request for a water line the matter Was to be ' . ~ tztken c are of At the regulzr Council meeting. 'I Meeting s~d~journed. ' A ~ ' a s I ATTEST « - I ity C e ay . I ;