Minutes 1952-10-15 k ' Arroyo Grznde~ Calif ornia~ October 15~ 1952 The City Council met in regular session with Councilm~,n W~iters presiding in the absence of Mayor Simpson. Councilmen Kerr arid Burt reported present. Absentx Mayor Si~pson znd Ccn~ncilm~n Stur~es. , The Councilmen hzving rea.d their copies of the minutes of the previous meeting ~ motion was made by Councilman Burt ~nd seconded by Councilm~n Kerr to approve the minutes a~s writtsn. Motion c~rried. Tha ~hief of Police reported the insur~nce company w~s to repair the daanzged motorcycle a.nd he recommm~nded a. n~w motor be ordered a~s it was impossi.ble to lrno~- ha~ ba~dly d~n~ged this one might be other thzn what w~ould show naw. A motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilmzn iEsrr~ to order a new motorcycle if ~ the differenc,~ did not exceed ~300.00. All meanbers voted "Aye". It was recorrmiended by Councilman Kerr thzt the fittings and fire hydrants for , the Woad Tract be held over until a11 Councj.l members could be present to discuss tY~e rr~tter. , ~ There followed a discussion on a four inch wzter line on Fa.eh Street in i Wester Addition and Mr, Anderson wa.s to contact Mr. I+~ed Shaeffer znd see.if he ; ; . wauld put up ~300.00 tow~rds the line to be prorated on the lots he owns along the street. ~ ~ , RESOLUTION N0. 280 ~ ~ , RESOLUZ'ION QF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF ARROYO QRANDE TO CHANGE ~ THE N~,ME OF I~EEDHA~4 LANE ~1D HUEBNER AVENUE TO CHERRY AVENUE TO CONFORM WITH CHERRY AVENUE QPd THE ~1EST SIDE OF 101 HIGHWAY ; , Ori motion of Councilma.n Burt, seconded by Counci]man Kerr~ the foregoing Resolation wa~ a.dopted by the follawing roll cz].7. vote t ' AYES: Councilmen Waiters~ Kerr and Burt. N~S: None 11BSENTs Councilmen Simpson ~d Sturges. A motion w~.s m~.de by Counci].man Burt~ seconded by Councilman Kerr~ to ha.ve the clerk drz~r the w~rr~.nt for $l~00.00 to be paid the Arroyo Grznde Fire Department. Bil7.~ ~ga.inst the Generz]. F~ind for ~1964.~ md the Water Fund for ~831.00 were auciited~ approved and ordered p~id. Bids on the T~lly-Ho Drainage were to be opened ~t the ATOV. 5~ 195~ meeting at 8 P. M. No further business s~ppearing the meeti.ng was adjourned. . ATTEST Clerk Acting Mayor