Minutes 1952-12-03 1 ~,rrayo dranda~ California~ Deceub~r 3s 1952 Th~ City Council ~et ia ragular aeseio~n xi.th M~qror Si~apaoa presidiag. Upo~a o Covnc Bur~ a~nd St,ur es r~ rtsd aent. ~bes~nt Cvtmci]as~m r 11 call ila~en I~rx~ 6 Po Pi'e s li~itsrs. Cour~cil mnbers ha?ving read their copg* o! tha mirnite~~ of the prsvio~ •ae~tiag CouAai].~an Burt sade s motion, s ecand~d b? Councila~n lserr~ to spprovr t~h~ ffinute~ ae xritt~n. Hotion carried. Ths clerk ras instructed to eontaat Dr. Fsnce about us• of the old City Hall #'c?T th~ aensus enumerator. Mayar &impson reportsd ha had attended a aesting oi ths i~ter Reeo~nrce~ t~roup ia San Lv~ Ubiapo and ha appointed himseli~ Counaila~w berr arid 14r. Anderaon to prspars tis necessuq papers to fil~ for prior rights on ~?ater tro~a up th• cre~k. ARSQLUTIt~T NO• ~82 1 R~SOLUTION O~P' THS CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CIT7[ OF ARR~YO (~RAN~ TQ Ht~D ? xsA~xa a~u~ 7, ].953 an cxAxaES n~ ~ zox~ra o~~cs Qa a~tion of Ccva4cil~sn Stnrges~ seaonded by Coun~ilmsn lCerr~ ths fcregoing Fi~sol~ttion raa adopted by the follo~i.ng roll oall vot~ s A]CS~t 8i~peon, 1Gerr~ Htart sud 3tvrrgea. p(E.S~ Non~ I?~SBNT: Council~aan l~aiters l~ir. Hu~ier read a copy oP a ne~ Buildf.ng Cod~ (?rdina~c~ for ths iirst tiar. ',t'~is ~a+e PZ~ing Cod~ Ordinance xaa read for the lirat ti~a~. Th~ quo~stion on fsnc~ for the sexer plant xar disc~saed and a~oticn au?ds by I~IaTnr 33mpson~ aeQOnd~sd by Cowzcilnan Burt~ suthoriaing I+Ir. ,Anderaan to bm th~ fenc~ vonstructed aro~ the aexer faYS. Hotioa carried. The ~sttlmment for daa?ages to the Polic~ wotorcgle ir~a discuased and ttu Chief ot Polic~ reported it vAa not cert,aia if allo~ric~ ~ould be mad~ for rental on th~ old ~aot,oroyc7.~ while thry ~nere iiaiting~ ~or repaira a~ th~ ns~ motorcycU. ~otio~ ~rae nade by Council~an Sturgea~ ascondsd by Conncilmaia Burt~ wthorising IKr. Harri~ fi?o colle~t for it or sue. All w~bers voted "AYB». BiL't~r against th~ ti~neral Fun~d for ~1ts~51t.03, the t~ater ~d for ~893•5~t ~nd ~?tsr D~poait Pbnd for i36•00 xere audit~d, app~ovsd and ordered pai.d. Jaurnal vouchera Noe. 16-1?•18-19•2~ a~d 21 ~nr~ approv~d aa motiooa o! ~anncil~an ~turaea~ qoonded by Co~neilsan Hurt. Mo~Eiaan carrisd. No furthsr bueineas appearing and upon motion aresti~ng nae adrjoarrud. ,LTTB8T t , ~ . ' . G sr ~ 22~ ~ il' ~ ~ ~ s . - . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ ~