Minutes 1952-12-17 ~ ~Gt d Arroyo ('trande, California, DeceAber 17, 1952 The City Council n~et in regular aesaiou xith Mayaer Si.mpeon g esidi~g. LTpoa rc~ll ca11 Couaeilmea R~rr~ t~aiter~ a~d Burt raportsd pressnt. Councilm~a Sturgee arri.vsd latsr. I!~Iinntes of tho p~evioum regular meeting i»ra read and approved as rea~d. I~tters srors to be vritt.az~ tc th~ various gasolins diatributors aaking io~ bids cs~ gasoline for the caning year. The bida to b• ope~ed at ~he Jan. 7~ 1953 mesting. 2~ayor ~ixpBOn sppointed himeelf snd Covncilman Tii4iters to ~st xith I~r. Hu'ri.s ~ about a nuiasr~m arrdins~nc~~ ~r I~. Henderson xas present to proteat chi.cksna bting ! kspt in his Yaighborhood. ' ~ ~ rsport fram the aammitte~ a~ parking ras to be reac~jr~ it possibls~ by the i , seaond meet~.ag in January. j ; Tt~ cu~itte~ to look ir~~,o th~ dog ordin~c~ r~ported they h~d ~t and tall~ed aver a ~ ~oint pottad but the County wonld like to have it in their next yesara budgs~, ats n4thing had been sst up for this year. A rtport an the completion of the Tall,y Ho ~ob ~~te read a~d a moticm vas awde by Counoilmsn Waitera~ secmded b~r Mayor 3impaon~ to have a barbecvu~ dimler lSuud~qr~ not to e~seed ~7.00.00. dll maAbmrs vot~d N?es~. 1 ditcnseia~ in regard to a,~ale of part oi the Cit~r Pa~rk propert~ xaE~ diacasssd a~d Covncil~ 3turgea macie a iotior~~ seac~ded by Counai]mm 1i~ait~r~~ authori$3.~g Mr. Asrria to prepars a notice ealling for bida on the property~ to b~ opened a~ 7x3~ P. M. st ths Jatiuary 21t 1953 ~~ti.n8• It Was auggested a letter ba ~rritten to tY~ i.nsnrime~ o~a~y uid ese ~at raftu~i would be a~adt if t~he inanrance polic~? vaa ca~c~Llsd. Mr. ,Anderaa~ ~as inatrneted to get prices on aampreasors. Mre. Hela~ Sharp~ vas present to.reviex th~ parldng p~oblrema of the telephone opmrstor~ ar~d aPter Ierigttqr diseussions ths Covncil agreed to look into ths a~stter. s~;sinst tr~e (iener~7. Fund for i.i, 7'n.l~ and ths i~tater P1uid io~ ;760.50 xere audited, spproved and ordered pa3.d. ~ motiora xas msd~ by Council~?an Sturge~~ eeex~ded by CounciLaa~ T~dters~ to spprove ths tra~ns~er ot Voucher No. 21-~,. No ttu~t3~r busiaees appearing and upan mot.toa the meeti xas ad~ourned. ~ ~ r ATTE3T City Clerk ~ 230 ~ ~ ~ a ' . . . . . . , • . . + ~ ; . . , . ~ . , . ~ i ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ - ~ • ~ ~ - ~ ~ I • . . . . ~ . - , ~ _ . • i ~ i i ~ . . . , , ~ ~~I ~ . . ~ ~ . ~I ~ ~ • ~ ~ 4 ~ . . • . . , . . . - . . . ~ . . . . :,aG.,-_. . . . ! ~ ~ . . . . ~ , ~ ~ . . . ' ~ , . . . . .