Minutes 1953-01-07 7 1 ~ Arroyo E3rande, CalfYornia January 1953 ` ; The City Council met in regular se aaion ti+ith ~ayor Simpaon presiding. Upoa roll call Councilaan Kerr, Burt and Stnrges reported preaent. Abseat Couacilalan Waiters. , The ~ninutea of the previous regular ~seting xere read ar~d approved as read. ° Reports fro~n the Chief oP Poliee and dudge Eldridge xer~ read, ap- proved and ordered filed. Mr. York Peterso~ City Sngineer reportsd he had been granted a nine- month leave of absenee in S~nta Maria and said if Lhe City of Arroyo`Orande ~ xished to grant a leave of absence he ~ould depntise someone to aet in hia place. After d3scus~ion A motion Was ~ade by Council~aan Kerr, 8econded by Couaci lman Burt to grar~t I~ir. Peterson Peraiasion to leare the atate for nine-ro~onths and he xould have authority to deputisa Mr. Hend~enhall to aet in hia place. Motion e~rried. l+ir. Harris reported he vished Do be gon~ !'rom about Feb. 1~ 't.o June 20. ~l aiotien xas made by Couneilman Sturges~ sec::nded by Councilwan Kerr, grant- ing Nr. Harris ptr.~ssic>n to leave the State and authorising Mr. Harria to ' deputize someone tc> take his place. l~totion carried. ' Mr. Harris reported he ~as to get ~ore information anout the Insiutanae ; , i end report at the next ~seting. ~ Bids on gasoline were opened from the 8~aiid~, Shell, Tidexater and ; a Nor~r~lk Oil Companiea and after discussion on the different xaicers of gaa- ~ oline, a motion xaa made by Cow~cilman Burt to accept the bid on ~iorwalk Ethyl at .211~ per gallon. Motion curied. The Clerk xa~ instructed to write a letter to the Pacific Sugineera in regard to aeveral ehanges to be ~ade on the Maps of Traet ~ 75 so they ~ovldoa~i'or~t to the City Subdiviaion Ru1es and regnlatione and after they. were mad e the ~ouncil wauld taeet ~nd approv~e the map. Mayor Sia~paon appointed CounciLnan Waiters, Sturges, and Kr. Anderaon to meet Wi.t~h the High School Board January 8th to discuss dr~inage nnd read proble~s by the nex High School. R$SOLUTIOH ~ 283 A RFSOLUTION ~F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIZ'Y OF ARROYO aRANDS, RSLATI~~ TO THE PROPOSED ~MENDMENT OF ORDINANCE N0. 95 OF THE CI1'Y GF ARROYO aRAAiDI~. . ON HOTION OF C4UNCIL~IItN KERR~ SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BURT l1ND ON THE FOLI~tiilN(i ROLI. C~LI. VO`t'E, TO~tIT. 232 ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~Y7ySs CounciL~sn Simpaon~ Kerri Byrt~ and Sturgea ~ i . NQBS: noae - ~SSi1Ts CounciLaen ~faiters ~ The foregoing raaolution xas adopted this 7th day oP Jsnuary 1953. The recoa~endation of the City Planning Com~dasion t~o deny the Variancs requeat of Panl H~rn ras diacuased and a Motioe ~raa ~nade b~r Ccronailsw~ Hsra~ seconded by Cot~ncilman Hnrt to accept the rscom~endatioa ~ ~ ot the Plaaning Comaiaaion and der~ the variancsl RSSOLUTI011 ~84 ~ d R~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII~ OF THE CITY OF- ~RROYO (~RANDE TQ CANCBL WARxANT ~3T0 WSITTEN FOR l~S. f3LA.DYS EVAI~IS, SFECI~L CFN.SUS SUP~~IS~R ~ND ~UTHURIZINa W~x~Nr ~37a? Bs r~~~r ~o v~onr v. KII,LSR~ SPSCI~L G~NS~iB . SUFER,'~OR I~1 I~S PLAC~. QH 1~?'!'ION. OF CO~IC~ STUfl(385, 3TCONDED BY COUNCI~i BURT THB . FOa.S(30INa R~OI.Ut'IO~T W~S ~DOPTED B3C TH& FOLI~II~i(3 ROLL C~ALL WTE= A,1tBS: Con~ail~ar~- Simpaon~ Kerr, Burt, and Stur~es. _ ' NOFSt None . . . ~EIiT: Ccsvaeil.mu~ T~taitara - ~ The headirig of ths building Cdle t)rdinance xas read by ~ir. Harri~r ~ and a~otion a~de by Ccroncil~aen 3turgaa, 5econded by Ccunci]~an Burt t,o . diapense WiLh the balsnce of the reading. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,A,N t~DI~i~I~iCS OF THI: ~I3'Y OF ARROYO t?~t~iDE CREATIAT(3 THE O1~ICS> OF BUIi~III~` f INSP'~CTOR: REaULA~IAia TH8 BR8 CTIOAt~ CONSTRUCTI01~, E~II,~Ftdffi~+iT, ~A,I,TE~3'~ON , R&P~t~ 1~OVI~Tt3, Rffi~OO,~L, D~~ITIt~~t, CONVFR~N, OCCtIPANCY~ B~J~PMFNT, tT3E, ' H~IaHT~ ~~,ND MAIAIT~NANCE OI~ BUILDII~(3 ~R S"TRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF ~@ QrR.AI~s ERO YIDIN(} PBNAI.TIEi FOR vIOI~ATINti TH~OF: AAiD R~PEA,LIN(i OR13IliA~CSS xOS. l~7, b9, T3, 7? A~m 83 and ALI. OTHER ~RDINAH'CE5 OF THE CITY OF ~ROZ~ t~R~IDB I~i CWiFLICT T~TITHs 0~ motioa of Cc>uacilman Burt~ se~aonded by Courici]~an Stnrge~~ t?ht foregoiag Ordirianc~ Wae sdopted by ths fcllo~ring roll csll vc~e; w7fES: Couaaila~i~i Si~epac3~y ~err, btzrt and Sturgea ~i0ffii: biona . ~3SENT: Councilwen ~fiaitera . Un ~oLion of ~ounci]~aaa~ $turges, aeconded by Council~ Hvrt t~ur ' trar~sftr of vouchers ~ 22, 23, 2lt, 25 and 26 vere authmri$ed. Bills agai~et the t~ener~.]. Fund for $b85. 52 the Water Ft~nd for ~11~219.52 ar~d t~ water depcsit Fu~d t'or 63.7~ xsre audited appro~lci a~d - ordarsd paid. Mr. Aaderao~ raport?ed on the Work dcne by t.he Street and Water ~pt. ~ t) cg ' ~ ~ ~ i+ f ~ ~ j S ~ 1 ~ a i ~ + o ~ 1 9 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~1 1 ~ h ~i 1 ~ ~ 1 j . ~ i~ ~,j ~ 2 ~4 CO ~ ~ ; ~ a y and it wss au~ge~ted that he get an esti~ate on the coat of e.agineer xork f on the ~cuth Alpine ~,r~a. ~ It xas reparted t~hat r~o xork could be done on F~ep avsrn~e as it xas boggy and equi~mt Would only get stuck if they Were tc try to xork duri~g fi~ xet Wsather. ~ No further buain~ss appsarin6, it xaa ~ov~ed and aecondad the we~ting be ad~ovrned tyc~ 2s~ PlI, Saturday, January 10, 1953 ~ ~ ~ Y~' ~,TTE3T: ~ ~ ~ ~ , A,rrcyo QrsAde, ~aliforr~ia January 10, 1953, 2:00 P!Y , ' i The City ~o~mcil ~et in a~a ad3ourned meeting irith My?e>r Siwpsoa I presidiag, PreasAt Cotwcil~oan Kerr~~ snd Bnrt, Absent Co~ail~r~ W~3t~rs and Sturges, The purpoae of t.he meeting to approve the 1'~ap of Traet ~?5. The ~p of Traet ~ 75 ~Me reco~maendad Corri+dt~,~ns vas aias~dnsd and atter looicing the I4ap o ver a nation xae ~d~e by ~ouaeilaian ~'tu't a~d ~ecoadsd by "ounciL~ar? Kerr to acc~pt the ~np as eorreet~d and the CitT Cl~rk Trs~s autttorised to aign the ~aap. ~Iotion carried. No other busineaa appearing the r~eting xaa a~ur:red. . ~'T~T: ~ . er .