Minutes 1953-02-04 i ~ti~?~~ ~ Arroyo (3rande, :Califos~ia . Febrnary !t, 19~3 The City Council set in regnlar aeasion xith 2~ror Simpsan p~esiding. Upon roll ca11 CamciLaen lC~rr~ Tilaft,~rs, Burt ar~d Sturgee repor~~d ps~aent. The ninutes of the prev3,oua rsgnlar and ad3oined meetiflgs were read ar~d sPProved ss raad. . ~ Jl aotion xaa made by CouMCilmga t~lsiters~ Ssco~ed by, Co~mcil.~ar3 Bart to aaaept the bid of the Lions Club on psrk property and I~4r. Harrim was tc pre~- pars tY~e agree~rent for the Liona Club Signature atid the deed xould then b~ madi ont~ ~he City ~ras to hav~ a 25 feet sasement aloag th~ Nely aad Nexlp lot lin~?s for raadaay a~d pipeliae purposes. All xe~bers voted ~?e and Mr. S,ith th~aked the Council and Mr. Harris for their co-operation. ~here bsing no cme present ~rith police problema 1Kr. Mize was ex~cused. . The Clerk ~as asked to contact A~nrk~ Devereaux and Shaffer a~d hav~s the~ iatervi.ew the raen they had recc~mmended for the Platuiing Co~iBSic~n aad see 3t th~y ~ould take the appointxent and report to the City Cowuail by Fsb. lOth. A aotio~ xas ~ade by Cotmcilman Sturges, secanded by Ccr~mcilasn Wait~rs to a~a0spt the r~sign~ation of .T. Vard Loom~is uith re~rets. The heading of Ordinance ~1(16 xae read snd a motion Was made by Coancil- aan Wai,ters seconded by Co~mcil~an Burt to dispens;e with the balsnce of the readi.ng. ,A1T 08DINANCE TO BE KN(yi+~t l1S THE UItIFQ~M gT,tA~I]iG CODB 0~' THE CITY (F ~OYO (3B,1~iDE: PROVIDING FOR THE PR02ECTI0~1 ~ TI~ PIIBLIC HEALT~i AIVD 3APi~TYs £iEE~UIR' INa A PF~IIT FCR TF~ I~STIILL~TIQ~1 OR ALTBRATiC~TS QF ~.tkSBINQ, aAS 08 DRA~NME SY52BMS: CF~ATING TI~ OFFIC& ~ PL~ING INSPSCT~t AND PRBSCRiBING H~S DRTTiLSt DFFINING CERTIIN TERM.S, BSTAELISI~G MINII~ REGULATIQNS ~t TI~ INSTALLATICrI'~ AI,TB~t,~TIQN QF' ~PAIR CH~ PLllrIDINQ~ (~/IS Al~ DRAINAaE SY5TS1~6 ~iD TI~ INSPECTIf~T T~G~'.2 PRO I~IlQG. PEAT,A~S FOR ITS VIOLATI0~+1 AIdD AEPAiRIN(~ AI~L CONFISQTIBQr OxDII~ANCES AND ADOPTINQ BY RSFEBENCS TI~T CBftTAZN PRINTED "UNIFORM PLtMBTNG CC~" - PZtINTED IN BOOK F0~1 ItND CC1rIPIIED A~iD PUBISS~D BY W~STSRI~1 PLtA~I~iG OFFICIAIS ABSOCIATIfl~1~ THf~EE C~PIES WHICH ARE ~1 FILE IN THE O~fi'ICE 4F T~ CITY CIERS 0~ USE AND INSPSCTION BY THE PEOPII~. Ol+i aotion of councilman SaTaiters, Secandsd by Cm~ncilnan Burt and aa the folle~wing roll call vote, tc~-iri.t t .il?7~S: Cot~sdlnan Waiters~ Simpeon~ Eerr, Burt and Sturgea. N~Sc Nons A&SENT: Nane An ordiaance setting np service eharges for ~sxer and disc~ssed a~rd it ~se agreed to reviex the sub~ect further at the neat me~tirig of the Couancil ~d c}uck the capacity of the plar~t also the rtmtber oP ses~er corn~ectic~se betora • ~ lg~@~~.21g. Mr. rAnderson ~as to get the loaati.on of the 2*~e in the l~ineau and Loaafa tract. ~ RF50' .UTIpT ~6 A reaolutio~ of the City Co~mcil oY the City cd Arrq,qo firande to caacel (~sseral Fuad Warrant No. !dC)0 and ldatar I~lmd Warramt ~1Y5 trrittsn in Jan. 19'~3 aa theg had b~eri dm~aged sud authoriaing Ularranta ~ l~DOA and 12~ A tc~ be xritt,e~ to rsplace thea. On motio~ of ths Canracilaa~ ilaiters seaanded s b3' Co~ci]~ama Burt ~d ce the lolle~ing roll catl v~ote~ tp+~xit: gYES: Couuci]~en Siapson, 8err, T~iaitere, Bnrt and S~urgsa. NQ~S: Nc~aae ~ Affi~NT s Na~e the foregoing Resolutiva xss acbpted. 88tixates for ls~,piag xater lin~ on Cypzess Lene xas diactn~aed and an acr~i,on o~ ccaa~cilnau Sturges~ asccmded by Co~mdlama ~Taiters ~ Kr. Harria ~as authorf ~e3 to rrite a lettsr to J.$.Haxter giving hix tYr infor~atian is r~gard tc tb~ liar. 238 ~ ~ Russ~7.1 Kiaser~ and Vard I.e~wida wre p~ea~nt~d to ask abo~t xater aad aen~rr 13~8 ~ ia the 1~litteau a~d j~s Tract. I~ xae agrsed to checl~ Lhe si~ntm8 and r~cords aid ~ a~a if ~r agrsd~t oculd b~ fmmd in regani to the lines • MaTor Si~aaa pTOClaiasd Feb. 20, 1953 a World day of pray^cr aAd a~na~d a ms~iia~ to be held in the gpiaaapal Chnrch frc~ 2 to 2s30PH. tl~t day. Mr. Harri~ ag?r~ed to pTepare the r~otiae for abanclo~ent a~ DsTar~anz et~a~r aad th~ dracription vaa to be prepar~d by jndsrson. Cc~ail~ Yaitsra asloed to have ~rork aa Corawall da~ ihsa fl~ds i~srs ~d3s~is np t,ei a~iait of ~'1~. I~r Si~m aon?ed aaci ~ctmai.],~an Hurt ssao~ded tt~e ~ti~ort ~PP~'~~6 hia rsae~eada~ion. All a~abera ~m'~sd Go~aacilasi i/aiters then ao~ved and it x~ s eccmded by ~o~m~c3laa~ B~rt to. f;~v~e I.~rc~t Driv+r ~s~ ~mds ~rore avsrilable ~p ta ~.t~. Kotioa Csrrf,ecl. Harria read Ot~cl3.nance #E].~7 for the firet ti~e an the r~sc~ing ao ~aie~y~ ~road. Harrl.a t~rc>dnced Mr. Jaok lEsetsel t.he Ca~eil and s ao~ioa xsa a~cls bT Co~Ci]„tiam i~1a3.tera~ eecoeuisd b~ Caimdlsaa ~err to havs ~r. ~arria, depttti~e l~r. Ia~s'~sl~?1 ia t~is placs dnring hia abaaa~c~. Mr. Harria xaa to r~ceivs hie i~ea ae s~awl e~d 3~s ~ xo~lc~ eattle with I~Ir. ]Caeta~l. l~r. Harris auBgest,~d the Cc~mcil re+qn~et t?he ~apearan~ ot a repreasAtst#va ct ths S~rtlord Insara~oe Co. at ~he secoad ~eting ia J~ne+ - Hi13a agai~st ths (~irral F`m~d for ~tl.l~t.82 tha 1~Tater lh~d !or ~.9~•9^ ~td: tha ~Tar~er Drpoait F~m~d for ~61.15 xer~ audited, ap~p~~rred and order~d paid. Q~ ao~ioa~t ot Ccbacilnn ;iiit?~rs, aeaoac~eCi b~? Com~cils~ Esrr, Yancbsrs ~ 2T~ 28, 29, 3t~, 31 snd 32 snre apg~rovsd tc~ trawsPer. • Tha requ~st frat ~cidisvs '~Te~od oa ~i.~ in Z~act ~'75 waa rrferred fi~c~ ~s l~a~aiag Ca~ad.~sian. ` No inrther bnsig~as a~p~aring ths ~eting ~tea aid~curn Feb. 14~ l~:s at , 8 ~00 F X. . , ~ . ~T t , it~ e~ , : ?rro~ro arande~ California February io, 1953 Th~ Cit7 Co~cil set in arn a~jotuaed xeeting ~ith Ka~re~ Simpsc~n preeidit~g. Upcn rall oall Ccra~ci],a~a ]C+s~rr, iisit~ra, Burt aad S~urgee report~d prss~nt.' The tt.~r frat ~he Csnens Hurean xith f"inal 2Ygur~s cs~ the enauai givi~ ~rr~o t~rande a pop~l a~ioa ot 2061 aa ot dau 6, 1953• ~ t~e bf.d ~ t~he poli cs car »ae r~cei~sd fra~ ~jr He~a ta~ ~].6t~ p~i~~ '~!r trade ~.u a~t 19~' i~ard. Ot~ aotia~ of Gca~acil.aa i~taitera, aecc~dsd by Co~sa~ilaon~ ~rt to sccapt the bid aed the ahief ~a to i~veeitgatm tha batterT situst3aei ~a~; '~1? ao lhrther b~~a ariag aad npo~ sotion ~sa a cl,jva~esd . ~ . ITTBST City l~s~ ~'Y