Minutes 1953-03-18 A~royo Grande~ California~ Marah 18~ 1953 The City Council met in regular seasian xith l~,~rar Sia~peon preeiding. Upon roll ca]1. Cmiacilme~ Ksrr~ Burt s~nd Sturges reported p~eeent. • The ~a3.nutea of ths pre~vious regular meeting ~er~ read ~nd apprc~~ved aa read. The req~e~st fro~a the 1~fao~en's Club for a contaur map of the Cit~r Park property xa~ discuu~~ed and it ~as agreed to let thea use the nap the City had prepared. The ao~nmication fro~ the 8ainbox Girls xas read ani Mayar Simp~on aaked the Clerk to remind ths Counci3 me~bc,ra to be on hand for thm Dedication S~r,i~es March 28~ at 1t30 P.M. T~e . Clerk wae asked to xrite the Board oY Supervisora and inform theuN ths City xas plaaaing to ua~ the 5.13 acres on the Mema for s police pistol rang~ and xae ta~ing the matter ur~der advisement. Also to ~sk if the County had any urgent need fc+~ the property. The hea,ding of Qrdinancs No. 107 waa read and a motioa xas mad~ by CounciLaan ~turge~~ aecondmd by Councilman Burt~ to disp~na• ~ith the balanc• o! th~ reading. ORDINANCB N0. 107 • . Ordinance arne nding 3ecti aa !t at Ordinancs 95 ad t he City of ,Arroyo • ~3raud~, ~titled "~AN CRDIN~tJCB PROVIDIN(3 FOR THE ESTABLISI~NT OF ZOfi1&S IN THB CITY ARROYO Q~HAND~~ CALIFC~2NIA~ dND RE~ TI~ U~ES• OF PROPERTY THE~'EIN~ AD~PTING A MAP SH(lWING SAID ZCdJES~ DEFININa TI~ TERMS t~SED IN THIS ORDINANGS~ PROVIDINC3 FCR ITS ADJU6TNENT~ BNFORCEI~NT AND ~MB~iT~ PRESCRIBING PEWALTIES FCR VIOLATION.S ,AND REPEALIN(} ~NY tRDINANCI~ 0~?, P(~iTIt~+TS OF t?RDINAI~ES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH~~ passed and adopted t,t~ 6th day of Jul.y~ 1949, said a~dinance being ca~aon]~y lrnain aa ths "Zo~ning~ ~dinsnce." Q~ motian of Councilman fierr~ seear~ded by Couneilm~ Burt~ and on the follo~ing roll ca11 vote~ to-xitr A~r Couneilmeu Simpsca~ aerr, Burt and Sturges. NQES s Ncme ASSENT: No9ne The Yoregoing Ordinstince was adopted. fh raotian of Counci],man Burt~ seconcied by Cour~cilmm Kerr~ the Chief af Polic~ was authorized to uee gas fro~ the city tanks in his persanal car when an t~ city f s busirnes~ at t,imea xhen the police car Was in the garage or in bad ~reather s~d~en it xaa nmee~sary to uee a aecond cax. All members voted "~ro.M Notie~ having been advertised and no one protesting the abandona~ent o~ s portLoa af valley 8oad along Mr. Devereaua~~ p~operty it Was ~oved and seconded that Mr. Sa~~~. prepa,re t~a~ution fa~ the abandonslalt oP the round corncr . Mayor ~impean annovnced that the next acder of businesa ~as to ~tppoint a neu Couneil me~aber s~d thre• a~en had been coritacted~ but tNO had badced out. Councilman Herr mad~ a m~tion to s~point F. J. l~irkpatri ck to Pill the unexpi=e d term left vACant by th• resignat3.on of Waiters~ tlie mc7tion Was seconded by Coundlman Sturgea~ and all mesb~r8 voted *JRye." ~2~6. ~ . ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ asotio~ xas atds by Caancilman 1Cerr~ seconded by ~oundl~n Bnrt~ to h~ns Mr. Ea~tzsl prepa,re s Resolut3on to have nin sto~p signs inatalled aa reca~errled by tb~ Chiet ot Police. , Cauncilnan 3'turges aada a motiari authori~.i.ng the Glerlc to xrita s lett~er ~Eo_ the Bosrd o~ Super~i.eora f.nfoxming them t~he~e h~d bean nw~eeraae accidents st ~ha: intersectic~ ad' ar~d Aveau~e an~d Halcycm Road ~nd ~i.th the building nc~r befs~ sracted it xo~l.d a~e~r~ o! a blind aorner arid requ~rt their co~naidmr~t~.as ,t~t p]~cs~ng st~p aigDS st t~ i~ereecttaA ~hers Halayo~ Soad croeaem (~x~~d ~e.~ malcin~ it a terar Kay stap. l~otierr~ waa secor~ded by Crnmailman Eerr and all ~embers vot~, "~yro.~ Ccmncila~a~ Sturges rspc>rted on the meetEng xith tha Hi.gh 3choQ1 Trast~s ar~d . it wae thaughfithe ~rY c~ould b~ set up ior tY~e next yeara budget, ar~d t.hs ~~ahcol w~ould desd s ftrl. ~ abc~ut 10 i t al ong th e n orth ~i d~ oP ~hs prc~pe rty iu rs~'a~-: ~c~r th~ eity svvi~ig th~ ans~D and gutter ~uud surfaeing the araa Yrom the edg~ o~ 1~~ p~e~t to tba curb. Mr. Kaot~el xae to drsx up au sgree~snt for use of a gra~rel pit c~ the -~iTilli~e praperty xhe~n Mr. Andersari had tha d~criptioa read,q on ths propert,y. ~ The Clerk aelaed for pe~nisaion to be s~qr Po~ 3` d~s and the raqu~at xa~: gr~mted. Hills agsi~et the (3e~eral fimd for ~].,b35•~9 and tt~e 1~ater Pl~r?d ior,~~~95 ~ n~~ sudited~ aPProv~d a~d orde~ed paid. ~o fvurther buair,ese appearing the me~ting xas ad3ourwd. ~ , ATTF.S'P , ~ - er or