Minutes 1953-04-01 ~~E] , ~ ~ ~ - Arroyo Grande, California ~pril 1, 1953 Th~ Citg Council met in regular session xi.th Mayor ulmpson presiding~. Upon ~ . roll call Ccyune~en Kerr, Kirlepatr~l.ck, Burt and Sturges reported pr~e~nt.~ The ffinutee of the previous regul:~r and special meetings were read aiidy ` appra~eed as ~ead. - RESOLUTZ~T ~ 286 . A I~ESOLUTION ABAN'DfKJ~Na AND CLOSiNG A'PORT~OTT OF VALLEY• ROAD, IAt THE CI23~°`t~+' ARR~YO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SANLUIS OBI5P~, STATE QF CAB~IFORNIA. On ~otion of 8ouncilmasi Stnrges, u~d seconded by Cawneil~nan Burt, and' on- the following ro11 ea11 bote, to-tisits AYESs Counailmen Simpson~ Kerr, ~irkps~trick, Burt, and ~turges. NO~S: None ABSENT: None ' ' _ ~'he foregoing re~olution was adop~ed. ~ • ~ l~r. Kae~sel aaked the Council for a.uthorization to have a deed ccrrrec~i~n ' made on the Sa,ruwatari property which was deeded to the City for the C~r~d Averine e~ctension. A motivn was made by Couneilman Kerr~ seconded by Councilman Bt~ authorizing Mr. Kaetzel to prepare the papers and take car~ of the correctirn9: R~SOLUTION ~ 289 • ~ ~ " RFSOLUTIODI N0.289 ~F TH~ CTTZ COUNCI7s t}F THE CITY QF ARRdYO t}RANDE, CAI.Il~fJ~TTA, AUTHO~IZING T~ P~ACINa AP3D M/lIN3`&NANCE OF •STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIAI LOCATYON3 IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAbIDE. • On motian of Councilman Burt gnd secanded by Councilman Sturges, and on the follor~ing roll call vote~ to-xits ' A~Ss Counailmen 3i~mpson, Kerr' Kirkpatrick~ Burt and Sturges. ' N~ES: None A~SENT: None _ _ The foregoing re~olution was adopted. The communication in regard to furnishing garbage cans was discussed and the clerk xas instructed to inform them the City would not need the service ~s there Were suffieient cans at present. - The letter fro~a Lee Lovett confirming the insurance c~rr~ed by thm Qai~bage Go. was read and approved by Mr. Kaetsel. Changes in the water Ordinance were discussed znd it was agreed to g~t ~ater rstes Prc~a the cities close by. Mr. Ryan asked about having a taxi stand reserved and the matter was discussed and Mr. Kaetzel a.greed to prepare a resolution for the next meeting. RES~LUTION # 290 RESOLUTION N0. 290 OF THE CTTY COtJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO aRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ BOARD OF PUBLIC HEALTH TO QPERATE EXISTING WATER WORKS CONSISTIi3G OF ~ WELI~S, 1 RESEVOIR AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SERVII~IG INCO~tPORATED AREA OF ARROYO GRAAIDE AND CONTIGUOUS AREAS. On motion of Councilman Sturges , and seconded by Councilmann Kerr and on the following vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen S~mpson~ Kerr~ Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges. N~S : N one ABSENTs None The f oregoing resolution was ad.opted. an it was decided to make it A ril 27 to l. A Clean-u week was discussed d P M~Y P Bills zgainst the Ganeral Fund for ~5675•5~, the water deposit Fund for $895•83~ and the iiater Deposit F~ind for ~35•~, were audited~ approved and ordered pai.d. On motion of Councilmzn Sturges and seconded by Councilman Burt vouchets #~39-lt0-lal.-Lt2 were unanimously approved for transfer. ldo further buainess appearing on motion the meeting Was ad rned. ATTB'STs ~ ~ • Clerk