Minutes 1953-04-15 25a ° ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California C April 15, 1953 The Cit'y ~ouncil met in regul~r session xith Mayor Sim~son presiding`. Upon roll call Counailmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, ~iurt and Sturges reported present. The minutes of the previous ~eeting were read and approved as re~d. A letter from Jerry Bennett~ Fire Chief, asking for A rcd light on his personal car znd gasoline from the city pump for use on em~rgency calls for the resuscitator was discussed ~nd it was explnined tha,t the Council could not give permission to have s~ red Tight installed on his car. A motion w~,s m~de by Council.man Burt, and seconded by ~%ouncilma.n Sturges ~hat he use gas from the city tanks for emergency calls. All members voted aye on the motion. Mr. Anderson introduced Mr. David R. I~Iiller, Nrr. Harold Gaines and Mr. S. i~.gots~, represent~tives from Daniel, :~inn, Johnson and i~endenhall to discuss formation of assessment districts and various ~rays of fin~ncing pro~ects. He explsiined ths~t it Kould be better to do all the pro~ects at' once if possible as the bonding process would be less complicated. They Asked 1Trirr. Anderson for more information and went in the Engineers room ror consultation. ~ RESOLUTION N0. 291 RESOI.UTION N0. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~tR0Y0 GrRANDE, C IFORNI~,, DESIGrlATING AND LOCATIN~ THE RESE~~t`TED SPACE ~N ~ ftOA~,AY IN THE CITY OF AI~OI'0 GRANDE AND DIRECTING THE ~PPROPRIA`1'E MARKING THEREOF. On motion of Councilman Sturges, seconded by Councilman Kerr and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Simpsan, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturgea. N6B5: None A~s~ENT: None The foregoing resolution wzs adopted. . . R~ i~ir. Whitlock asked about a loading zone on Nlason Strect for trucks arid it iaas agread to have Mr. Kaetzel draw up a~ Resolution making it a 15 ininute Zone. Mr. Miller reported they could ma,ke a preliminary survey of the Improve~ent District ou~i~•add for ~500.00 and this s~mount to be applied on the Assessment~ if xork Was done, and zlso for ~300.00 they would ma.ke a study and survey of the sewer plant to see if it was ~dequate and if necess~,ry to increase or rem~del and make reco~aendations for changes. The ~3QO.OO also would be applied on the pro3ect if the work was done. A motion wzs mude by Councilrr~n Sturges, seconded by Councilman Kirkp~trick requesting the Daniel, Manr., Johnson ~nd Mendenhzll to submit ~ det~,iled proposal embodying the two estimates for the Council's Approval ~ I ?t the May 6th meeting. Motion c~rried. j ; i~r. Anderson reported he h~d t~lked to George Shznnon in regard to the w~ter line crossing his property from Uzlley Ro~d znd 1ylr. Shannon Wzs interested in z rozd going across the property inste~d of having it cut up by wz~cr linc as wcll as seWer line, znd Mr. Anderson asked About ha.ving a ' tempor~ry crossir,g of the creek for water line wherc the sewer line is now , if there w~s zny possibility of a bridge across the creek in that zre~ s~ few years later. ~`.zyor Simpson ~ppointed the whole Council ~s z Committee to work on getting rights-of-way for the wzter line from the property owners. Council- rr~n Sturges w~s io ~ct ls Chzirrr~n of the committee. Chief ivlize ~sked for permission to zttend ~ Pezce Ufficer~s Conference ~ for three da.ys in thc mkddle of i~I~y and a. motion wzs m~de by ~ouncilm~n Burt a.nd seconded by Councilmzn Kirkpatrick to ~llow the Chief to ~ttend at I i i the uity's expense. 'lhe i:hief also ~sked permission to le~ve the State - April 17, 18 ~nd 19 st his own cxpense znd it wa~ moved znd seconded thzt his request be grznted. Ms~yor Simpson zppointed J. C. Kerr to sit in on the Plzn~ing ~ommission as the member from the City ~ouncil. Bills ~gainst the Generzl Fund for $1830.lt2 and the W~ter Fund for - ~p836.18 were zuditcd, a.pproved and ordered pzid. No further business zppearing ~nd upon motion the eeting was zd~ourned. AT`i'r~.ST : ~~~~>''~.~a , s!/(~~ ~ ~ ' Lity Glerk yo ~ ,