Minutes 1953-06-17 2.~8 . ~ ~ ~ ~ . lrroqc Qrande, Califors~, dune 17, 1953 The City ~ou~cil aset in regular aession ~rith 1~ayor ~i~pson presiding.. .Upon roll call ~ounci]~nen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges rep~Dted prese~at, The ninutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as re~d. Coma+unieations xere read and placed on file. RESOLUTION ~295 RI~SOLUTIC3N OF THE CITY GOUNCZL ~F THE CITY OF AAROY~ GR~N~E~ , AUTHORIZINQ J. E. ANDIItSON, JA, TO SI(~N THE PILPERS FOR THB :~T~TB 0~1 T,ALLY HO ROAD PROJSCT. On motion of ~ouncilman Kerr and seconded by Councilman Kirkpatrick ar~d by the folloxing roll call vote to-iri.t: ?YLSs Co~cila~en 3i~son, ~err, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Stu~ges. NOES: Aone ~F~+iT: Noae the foregoing Re~olution xas ~dopted. , . Hra. Gail Covert lttiiilkins and ~s. Barbara Carl$on xer~ presex~t to diseusa the planting of th~ two islands on highway 101 and Mayor ,iaapaon agpointed Couucilmen Sturges ~nd Kirkpatrick to contact~nursery ~a?en aad get their at~tggestioas en planting the islands and if tha Women's ~lub would like to participat~ . on the pro~ect it could be vorked out after the plans ~rer~ diacussed. II Mr. Wn. Tsylor xas present and gave quotations on the Co~rehenai~~ Insurance for the city. It was decided to hold the ~tter under advise~eat uatil an ad~ourned ~eting and maybe figurea Would be in from snother co~~r. It wss agreed to continue the fire insurance and Pleet policies with Loomt~ snd Son. ?~otion xas made by ~ouncila~an Sturges and seconded by Couaci~r? Burt to ad3ourn at the elose of this ~eti.ng to ~'ue~day Night, June 23, 1Q~~ at ?:30 P.M. Moticn carried. Mr. Ar~derson xas to have the xight-of xay to croas 4eorge Shannon'e prc~perty ~ ready for the ac~journed ~eeting and it xas agreed to put th~ 900ft. of 8 ia~. line through th~ Shannon property before hs irrigates hia orchard duly lOth. . 2~ir. ,Anderaon xas to prepare a letter to Mr. E.J.L. Pete~$on, ~iviaion ot' Highways, inregard to eurb and sidewalk on thm N.g. corner oP dllen ~t, s~ad Traffic Wsy and have it ready for Mayor Si~son's sigr~ature Thurscl~?y evening. Counci].~an Kerr agreed to a~eet to discuss the Water Bndget Th~arsdsy ' fi-1$-53 s?t 2 P.M. snd ~ouncil~n Kirkpatriek agreed to call when he ~ould be avsilable. Chief Mize asked permission to leave the State as he wished to start hia tXO we~ks vaeation July2, and Wished to have Richsi..rdson in charge during his ibaence. A m~tion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilmr~n Kerr to grant his request. All members voted Aye. Mr. HArris revised the copy of Ordinance ~109 ~d it xAS read for the first time. Mr. Harris agreed to write a letter to Mr. Ladwig in regard to the removal of buildings on his property which he had s?greed to remove by July 1, 1953. It was agreed to, have the Water Superintendent check Canby~s water line as he reported he was not using the city watar to the house in the rear of hig a res3dence. ~ ~ Bills aginst the General ~''und for ~1937.22 and the Water Fund for ~852.6? ' were audited, approved and ordered paid. i No further business, the m~eting xas ad3ourned to June 23, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. , , ATTEST: ity lerk May , i , ; ~ ~ 1 , ~ ~