Minutes 1953-08-05 Arroyo C~rande~ California August 5, 1953 The City Council met in regular session and upon roll call Councilmen Kerr~ Kirkpatrick~ Burt and Sturges reported present. Absent Mayor Simpson. Upon motion of Councilman Stvrges, and seconded by Councilman Kerr~ Councilmart Burt was appointed to act as Mayor. -The minutes of the previaus regular meeting were re~d and apprflved as read. The letter Prom the Division of Highways in regard to parking in ~he island south of Nelson Street and the making of Bridge Street south of Neleon Street 'one xay only' xas read and discuased. It was agreed to keep Bridge Street as it is for naw. , A petition from o~mers of property on Newman Driv+e and South Alpine Was i ; ; read as follows: ~ - "Hie~ the nndersigned ~operty awners are absolutely opposed to any sewer ~ e~rtension, paving or storm drain i.mprovemants that require a Bond issue or Tax rate increase." There were signatures of 16 property awners on the petition. Councilraan Kerr reported Mrs. H. 0. Svartout had contacted him about water on (3rand Avenue from the Briseo Road to Spruce Street arld Mr. Anderson gave an estimate of 1~ inch line and also of 6 ineh line installation. It was agreed it xould be to the city's interest to install a 6 inch line so there wauld be ample water for future installations. Coui~cilman Kerr made a motion to notify Sxartouts what it will cost to have a l~ inch line installed and they be told it Was just an estimate and if it cost more they raould have to pay more or if it cost less the money would be returned. The Council had not reached an agreement as to the size of the line but it Was suggested bg Mr. Harris that if oth~rs hook onto the line they ~ill bear the additional expense of the b inch line and in no case ~,rill they get hooked on cheaper. Councilman Kerr then made a motion that Mr. Andersan furnish the information and Mr. Haxris write the letter to Swartouts. This motion xas seconded by Councilman Sturges and all members voted yes. z ' The letter from the Board of Supervisors in regard to the City's partiei- pation abcxit a dog povnd ~as discussed and the Co~uncil wished to kncrw who ~rould pick up the dogs and what about licenses. Mr. Harris agreed to jrrite the Board of Supervisors about the dog pound problems. Mr. Anderson said the caretaker at the M. E. Camp Greunds had asked about having the City use the motorgrader to spread same road material on the road up 26~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to the Camp (3~ound. The Cauncil 8aid they w~uld have to pay the sa~e,ra~te ae ~tny eontractor for the usa oP the man and grader. The letter frrna the County Health Department about the se~rer plaa~t w~s read and diacussed ~nd ordered filed. The clo~ing of the City Hall on Saturdays was brou~ht up ~nd 3t waa rePerred to Anderson, Mi$e and the City Clerk to arrange about a~eone to ~ake ,~he ~a3.la • from 8 A M. to ~t P.M. on Saturdaqs and report at the aaat Cotancil ~eting. . Mr. Harria read Por the first time Ordinance ~110 on changes in the $cning ~nd Mr. Anderson xas to have the map ready for the next Council meeting. Bills sgainst the General F~ind fbr ~55n.17, the Water Fund for ~9E3.~3, an~d the ~fater Depoait ~ind for ~tL~.Ofl xere audited approved and crderred paid. ~ On motion o~ Councilman Sturgea, and seconded bg Counc3]inaa~ Kerr ths l i ~ transier of vouchers 1 to ~ fnclusive ~?as approved. No Purttber buainess appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad~~urned. ATTFS'T t ~ ~ . • ~ City erk cting Mayor . ' i