Minutes 1953-08-19 Arroyo Grande, California August 19, 1953. The City Council met in regular session. Upon roll call Couneilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges reported present. Absent Mayor Simpson. It wss moved and seconded that Councilman Burt act as Mayor in the absence of Mayor Simpson. The minutes of the previous regular meeting ~ere read and approved as read. Mr. J. W. Taylor reported on the progress Por inspection on the swinging . bridge. He said it would be necessaxy to have structural or civil engineers ~i~n the letter of recommendations for repairs on the bridge before a contractor would be able to repair the bridge. Mr. David Miller from Daniel, Mann, Mendenhall and Johnson was present and said they would be glad to check on the repairs recommended by the engineers fram the Insurance Company and if possible approve them. Councilman Kerr said Mrs. Swartout had asked if the city would order the pipe if the property owners xould put up the cost of the pipe on Grand Avenne ti and she would collect the rest of the money later. The matter was discussed and Mr. Harris agreed to draw up an agreement for the property owners to sign . . on recammendations ~'as set up by the council. Mr. Anderson and Councilman Kerr reported on the meeting they attended with the High School Trustees and after discussion Counci].m~n Sturges recommended the agreement be am~endtd, stating the city would replace the curb and gutter along the north side of the property by July`1, 1951~ if the High School agrees to do their part of the work agreed upon. Mr. David Miller presented the sewer report and it Was discussed and the council wished to go over the rep~rt more thoroughly. J. W. Bon~our asked about having his six houses outside the city hooked to the sewer and he was told no property out~ide the city limita was being hooked to the sewer now. ~ little discussion folloWed about annexation of the property. dbout closing the hall on Saturdays, Mr. Mize recommended that the night Hatchman and 3anitor be put in ~is police department and there be two men and they ~rould work 2~. hours on and 21~ hours off and they would flo the yard Work, ~anitor work, school crossing and take cart of the calls for fire and police. Councilman Sturges made a motion that the hall be closed on Saturdays according to the 9uggestions made by the Chief and he be authorized to hire the other man and it was agreed there would be no increase in the bud~et. Councilman ~~V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kirkpatri~k seconded the a~otion and all members voted ~ye. Mr. Harris read the heading of Ordinance ~110 and a motion Was mede by Councilman Sturges, seconded by Councilman Kirkpatrick to dispense with the balance of the reading. ORDINANCE N0. 110 Ordinance amending Seetion lt of Ordinance 95 of the City of Arroyo t~rande, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE Pft00IDINa FOR THE ESTABLISHMEI~iT ~F ZON~LS IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GR,RNDS, C,A,LIFORNIA, AND REGULATINQ THE USES OF FROPERTY THEREIN, ,A~PTING A MAP SHOWING SAID ZONES, DEF'INING THE TERMS USID IN THIS ORDINANCE, PRf30IDINf~ FOR ITS ,ADJUSTt~lENT, ENF'ORCEMENT AND AI~NDMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIQLATIONS AND REPEALIAIG AATY ORDINANCE OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANGLS IN C4NNF'i~TCT HII~iITH," pasaed and adopted the 6th day of Julp~ 1949, said Ordinance being commonly kno~rn as the "Zoning OrdinanEe." On motion of Councilman Ki.rkpatrick seconded by Councilman Sturges amc~.on the follawing roll call vote, to ~rit: AYESs Councilmen Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt and Sturges NOES: None ~BSENTs Councilman Simpaon the forego3ng Ordinanee was adopted. A discussion about the xrd~.eked motorcycle and whether to have it r~paired or not was entered into. Mr. Harris asked the Chief to call Mr. Peterson the insuranc~ ad~ustor and tell him to ~et in touch with Mr. Harris 9o he eould gat a clearance on repairs on the motorcycle. RESOLUTION ~296 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRflYO aRANDE I.EYYING ~~AXES F~OR THE CURRENT FISC~I, YEAR 1953-5~t ~~~LE PftOPF~RTY WITHIN THE GITY OF ARROYO GRUJDE AND FIXING THE RATE OF SUCH T11,7C. On motion of Councilman Sturges and seconded by Conncilman Kirkpatri~k atnd ~ on the follo~ring roll call votes _ AY~Ss Councila~en Burt, Kerr, Kirkpatrick and Sturges ~TDES : None ABSENT: Councilman Simpson the foregoing Resolution was adopted. The clerk Was authorized to Krite the Divi~ion of Highxs}ys asking°to clo~e portions of Br~nch 8treet, on ueptember 25th and 26th for the Harvest Feetival. It was agreed to pay the men ~ho worked on repairing the water main for the overtime work they put in. ~ Bill against the General Fund for ~1682.87 and the Water Fund For ~785.88 ? were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting Was adjourned. , ATTF.S'P t ' City Clerk or