Minutes 1953-11-04 , . Arroyo Grande, California ~ovember 1953 The City Council met in regular session with ?"layor Simpson presiding. Upon roll czll Councilmen Kerr~ Kirkpatrick, Burt a.nd Sturges reported present. . The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved ~s rea.d. l~iayor ~iripson proclaimed the week of Nov. 8-1l~ as American Educztopm Week and it was moved and seconded the I~layor sign the Proclaniztion and it be printed in the local paper. , , copy of the report from the Department of Public Health a.nd a permit to operate the eity water system was read and ordered filed. Letters from Ds~niel, iKann, Johnson and Mendenhall and London and La.ncashire Indemnity Co. Approving the repzir of the bridge were rezd, discussed and a motion mzde by Councilman Sturges, seconded by Councilma.n Kerr to open the bridge :~nd ha.ne signs placed on the bridge zs soon zs possible. The application from The Arroyo Grande Hzll Ass'n. to conduct public da.nces w.~s read And upon motion of Councilman Kirkps~trick, seconded by Council- • ma.n Kerr it wa.s Zg2'CCf~ t0 issue a license. It was reported there had been a request made for z street light at the South end of ~rch~.rd Street. '1'he ~ddition of street lights was discussed but the budget had not been made to cover zny more lights and no ~ction was tzken. ~y1r. .Axiderson asked about putting roofing paper on the swinging bridge floor but after discussion it was recommended that asphalt and sznd be used instead. The extension of the Gr~nd Ave. water line from Spruce St. to past the P~.cific Coast Lumber Co. was discusscd and it was ~greed to use the same b~sis as the 1350 ft. to Spruce St. Mr. Anderson agreed to call the Paint Contractors ~nd ask them to send in their bids on the painting of the City Hzll. Nizyor Simpson asked I~ir. Harris to have a drzft of the ~rdinance on Sewer Service Charge ready for the next meeting so it could be discussed. The lease from Brown-Bevis for zn Ingersoll-Rznd Compressor was discussed znd motion was mzde by Councilm~n Kirkpatrick, seconded by Councilmar~ Burt to lease the compressor from Brown-Bevis and the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement after the changes h~d been made so the monthly pzyments ~ere mzde to correspond with the recommendations made by the City Attorney. Al1 members voted ~ye on the motion. 28Q ~ ~ ~ Bills again~t the General Fund for ffi5592.21, the Water Fund for ~1966.~t1 and the Water Deposit Fund for $1~0.00 were audited, approved, and ordered paid. Mation by Councilman Sturges and seconded by Councilman Kerr authori:2ed the transfer of Voucher #16. . No further business s~ppearing and upon motion the meeting was zd3ourned. ~ ~TTEST: ity lerk o ~