Minutes 1953-12-23 286 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Arroyo Grando, CAlifornia Dec~mber 23, 1953 Th~ City Council met in special session with Mayor 5impson presiding. t3poin roll call Councilm~n Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Burt-and Sturgos r~portad prQSar;~, Th~ purpo:~ of thQ meating was to di~cuss rontal of city oquipment s?nd to authoriz~ Mr. Fruess, Citq Trezsurer to collect thQ Wzter popartm~nt aovorr~r~'t I I bonds which Will matur~ February l, 195~t: ' I~, Rontal of city Qquipm~nt ~ra~ discussed and th~ ma.yor said ha favor~d ha~uag I a city ~mployQQ xith th~~Qquipm~nt wh~n it was rentad out. Aftsr di~c'w~rs~on a- motion was mad~ by Councilman Sturgos to rant thQ comprsssor to Sharps ftrr a- w~~k on an 4xp~rim~nta7. basis without an operator and under Mr. Andarson's supsrvi~ion And if a.vailabls a.nd Sharps xanted it for A longer poriod~ ths•ti~s could b~ sxtend~d. Th~ a~tion wa~ sQCOndad by Councilmzn Burt and upo~ rtt~ll c~ll vot~ Councilm~n Burt, ~turg~a sind Kirkpa~trick votad y~~ and Cour~ci].m~rA I m~ I S son znd'Kerr votfd no. Motion carried. mP i A motion x~s ma.de by Councilma.n Sturges, s~conded by Cot~ncilm,~n Kerr ` ' authorizing I~fr. PruQ~~, City TrQasurer to subm3.t th~ ~ater D~partment Qov~trn- mt~t bonds for collection thzt ~rQ to maturQ Fabrus~ry 1, 19s~t ~d wh~n co~.l~et+td pur~}tas~ ~ore bonds as agread upon by tha council. No furthar bu~in~ss app~aring s~nd upon motion th~ m~eting was Aci~jQ~'~sd. ` i : ~ . ~ / pTTEST: City lerk Yar ~ s:g_