Minutes 1954-08-17 324 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California August 17, 195~t ~ The City Council met in regular session with 1'~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Pence and Brennan reported present. Counci~man Kerr arrived later and Councilman Simpson was absent. The minutes of the presrious regular and two adjourned meetings were read and approved as read. . ' Mr. George Parke, on E. Cherry Ave., and several property owners on the street ~ requested some relief from the dust. After discussion it was agreed to have I barricades put on E. Cherry at 101 highway and also at the Garden St. inte~-. . section, until the street could be oiled. Bids for installing curbs and gutters on Valley Road were opened and given to Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Anderson to be checked. Use of the resuscitator and oxygen used was discussed and it was agreed where I oxygen was used outside the city, a charge should be made or the o~cygen tanks refilled. I, Nir. Gooding was present and asked what the council had decided about his re- I quest for hooking onto the city sewer line. He was informed the council would abide by the rule that no one outside the city should be allowed to hook onto the s~wer. T~rs. ~lice Ilenstine requested a reduction in her dance license and: those present agreed they would prefer to lay the matter over until all council members were present. Chief Mize requested permission to attend the California Peace Officers meeting in Los Angeles September 2-3 & 1~. A motion was made by Councilman Pence seeonded by Councilman Brennan to grant the request. RESOLUTION #~317 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, LEVYING , TAXES F'OR '1'HE CURRENT FiSCAL YEAR 1951~-55 UYON ALL TAXABLE I~R.~PERTY WITHIN `I'HE CI~i'Y UF ARN.OYO GRANDE, AND FIXING THE RATE OF SUCH TAX. BE IT R.FSOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, 5tate of California, that a tax for the fiscal year for said city, beginning the lst dayof July, 195k, of One and OS/100 (~1.05) Dollars on each ~ne Hundred Dollars of assessed valuation shall be levied upon all taxable personal and real property within said city. One Dollar (~1.00) thereof shall be on account of the General Tax fund, and Five (5¢) Cents thereof shall be on account of the retire- ment of sewer bonds. Al1 assessed valuation shall be computed on the basis of assessments levied by the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as equalized by the City Council of the ~ity of Arrayo Grande, sitting as a Board of Equalization. . ~ BE IT FURTHER RE~OLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is herewith directed to ~ i publish this resolution together with the narnes of the Councilmen voting thereon, in ~ ~ , the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of ~ ; ; Arroyo Grande; County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. i, On motion of Gouncilman Pence and seconded by Councilman ~3rennan, and on the • ~ following roll call vote to-wit: AYP~S: Councilmen Burt, Pence and Brennan . NOE.S: None ABSENT: Kerr and Simpson the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day of August, 195~• Mr. Hamlin annotznced that the bid of C. C. Sharps was the lowest_and recommended the bid be accepted. It was moved and seconded that the bid of C. C. Sharps be accepted and the i~layor be authorized to sign the agreement in behalf of the city. At this time Councilman ; Kerr arrived and the motion and second were withdrawn. The bids were discussed further and a motion made by Couneilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Pence to accept the bid of C. C. Sharps and the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement for the city and on the following roll call vote to-~it: AYES: Councilmen Kerr, Fence and Brennan ' NOES: None I' ~ l~SENT: Counci~man Simpson, and Mayor Burt declined to vote, the bid was accepted. ~ 1 1'he letter from the ~ivil Defense on the purchase of an electronic siren was ~ i discussed and it was agreed to have the State participate so the city's share would ~ I only be the 25~ or ~87.50. _ Mr. Anderson reported the Clark wells Corp. had estimated it would only take about ~400.00 to put the 60 H.F. pump and motor in shape to put in the new well. It was agreed that Mr. Anderson discuss the possibility of the new well callaps~.ng as there had-been a little trouble of a surface cave-in, and it had been filled with gravel. The council would like a guarantee from them on the well. Warrants against the General Fund for ~1794.1~3, and the 4Jater Fund for ~1091.16 were audited, approved and ordered paid. - No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting adjourned. A'1'TEST : , City Clerk Mayor ~