Minutes 1954-09-18 ' 328 ~ ~ a ~ . Arroyo Grande, California September 18, 195l~ 10 A.M. Special meeting of the City Gouncil called to discuss placing a conduit across the freeway north of town for future use in case they wished to install a water line. Mayor Buxt pres~s~ed and Councilmen Fence, Simpson and Brennan were present. Absent Councilman Kerr. Nir. Doko reported some 8 inch used pipe was available at ~1.00 per ft. Councilman Brennan made a motion, seconded by Councilman Simpson authorizing Mr. Hamlin and Anderson to check the pipe and if satisfactory to order 1~00 ft, or r~~r more and see about hav~ing the 8 in. conduit placed across the two lanes af the_ freeway. They were also to check with the Southern Counties Gas Co. about an easement for water line along their property. Motion carried. No further business the meeting adjourned. I , i . AT~'EST : ~ity Clerk Mayor