Minutes 1955-04-19 :`358 . ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grznde, CAlifornia April 19, 1955 Re~ul.ar meeting of the ~ity C~uncil and only Mayor Burt-and Council~ Pence were present ~o t~he meeting was ad~aurned tm May 3, 195~• . . .I~s. ~dns~ M. Schillin~ City Clerk ~rroyo aran~ls, ~aliforaia 3: ~955 Th~ City Can~il ~et in regular s~aaion xith Mayor Bnrt preaiding. ~ roll cali Cozmcilrp La, P~etcs, Si~pson aad Bremnan reportsd pr~sent. T4ia• •ad.art~rF~is ~ot' regular ~est3ng ct lpril ~th xare raad an~! ap~rowd as r~ad. Th~ ao~amicatica~ ina rsad trwa the Di~riaion oi H3.~r~ru, asking -t.~ut ~3f.ty to rsloeat~ thi m~r li~sa south ot tcrNn b~fore ths co~?structioa ot t~ht tinr trfrvqr. Th~ 2" ].i~ is aox s~r~ing th~ Jaak 3bu~non proper~y and txv aet~srs a~ P~?P~'tYs ~~h ars at pr~aent tmraed ott. The oost oi ~o~ tl~ liQes vaa disc~ssid snd Kr. Harris waa snthc,rised t~c> xrite a letter to t~' ~irf.- ~ ~ion ot Hi~ra~rs and uMsa tt~tm that rsgardl~sa of xhat the city xonld 3,ik~ t?o ~ da, the City ~s not lur tnnds xith xhieh to sove the xater line. ~ 2L~r Hooaingar of F`isso B~ch asksd t?h~ Couecil abont a amctioa ot tbs I~atual agr~t xhiah bad bs~n prea~nt.~d to Piaso Baach Couaeil t?~u nigbrt ~sic~e, a~rd his cop~ ~raa nct tba saes as had ban preasntsd to ti~?s City o! ~rra~o El~+u~. ttter disovraing t~h~ ~ntter, I~Sr. Flarria suggeaf.~d t?hm aatter be keld op~r ~ttl th~ aucL ~wtiag. ~ Mr. H~rris r~co~nd~d that estisatea on tl~s inat~allation c~t s~s biing cwr #2tJ~0.tM~~ bids be r+eturn~d unopawd. ~1 ~tion was a~ds b~r Go~~ s~ tro ratarn t~e blda ~ops~ed uld a lett?~r of ~xp2~stt~on ttsat t~ wert retur~ed or~ ~ adnic~ oS ths Gity Attorriey; ~otic~e seoo~d by Cox~,l~ a~d all ar~bera ~rot~d I?qs. Co~?ailaau ~renmw aide a~ctior~ to advertia~ ior bids on trhe Sastl~l~ati~ o! san~rrs aad also t~at Hamistt, Aer?a and ~Z,Dine be inclnd~d aa asparat~ ~its, t,~ bids ~t~o bs vp~usd Ma~ 17 at 8 Y.ls. Tt?e ~atioA was second~d br~r Gon~c~I~ Si~p~a usd all ar~ars ~r~ot~d ~j?r. Kr. Harris agr~ed to ~rite l~r. wilaon aad sslc his ~dviw on ~hs ssl3,iag ct boads iY an assessa~ent diatrict was to be ior~d.