Minutes 1955-05-23 ~ , ~ ~ C~u~cilma~~ Lee raquested permissi~~ t~ ie~v~e the State f~r the ~nth ~t y ~ June, and it vas s~vesd and eecoAded the request be granted. ? ~ ~ , It xaa ~gree~ t~ have Maq 31st and June lat and 2ad as the amcmad cles~n-up ~ ~ xeek. ! Billa against the (}eneral Fund f~r ~1697.3b and the Water Fusd f~r ~837.U8 . vere audited, appr~ved and ~rd~sred paid. 1, l N~ turther busir?ese appearing, up~n rrsti~n the ~eeting xaa ad~jsurned. ~ wTTEST: 4 • City lerk ~r~r Arr~y~ t3rande, Calif~rnia 1~y 23, 1955 6s30 P.~I. May~r H~rt met xith C~uncilm~en Pence and Brenna~ t~ l~~k ~ver the figur~s prepa~red bp ISr. Anders~n ~n sever installati~n acc~rdi~?g t~ the bid sub~aitte~ by w. M. I.yle whs xas l~ bidder. ~la~ preaent xas Kr. D~~ 8~xe and Mr. Anders~a. I~fr. ~ndera~n xas auth~riaed t~ ~eail ~ut lettera t?~ the pr~perty ~imera and a~ list be given t~ D~n R~we xh~ waa reeeiving the m~ney i~r the pr~~ects. ~lt the regular meeting •f the Csuncil ~eti~n vas t~ be ~aken t~ set u~ ss~ refurid t~ &i~rin Nels~~ if the balanee ef LarclvMnt ah~uld later have the ~exera put in aad h~~ked t~ the Wealey Street line. N~ Furt,her busi~ea~, the meetir~g ad~~urtied. ~ATTSST: , Ld~~.~- . ~ . ity erk ~ y~r Arr~y~ tirande, Calif ~rnia .turbe 7, ~955 .f Regular ~eeting ~f City C~uncil called t~ ~rder by Clerk. Only tx~ C~ur~eiLeeM ~eing in trwn it xas agreed t,~ ad~~urn the ~eeting t~ Tuesday Jur~e 1lt, 955 at 8 P.M. , a. . chilling, ity ler