Minutes 1955-07-05 t~~~./ ~ Arroy~ Grande, California Juiy 5, 1955 The City Council met in regular scssian frith Mayor Burt presiding. Upon r~Il call ~ouncilmen Lee, Pence and Hrennstn reported present. Councilm~an Dixsan . nrrivi.ng later. The minutes of the previous regular me~ting were read and approved As read. Rep~rts f'r~m the Chief of P~lice and Fire Chief xere read and filed. Chief Mize requested the Council's approva,l to have n pistol range on the Meth~dist Church Camp Grounds. There was discussion and the Chief was tea ~et a letter oP s~pprmv~l fram t.he insurance carrier. Mr. Harris would then ~rrite th~ Camp Officiala enclasing x copy of the letter from the Insurs~nce D~. If it vas agreeable to all c~acerned an agreement Would then be drnxn up. Fl~yd Wells xas present ~ri.th a letter recommending a xay to eliminate the air frsm the Halcyon R•ad xell. The Council agreed t~ take the letter und~r ~dviaement aa they Were Ws~iting for further figures from Mr. Dill~ha. Mr. Ra~e reported the money had been received for the seWers on the Bell Street and th~ Oak ~nd Grand Avenue Unita. A lArge part ef th~ mene~ ha~ been dep~sited ~n the Reraa and tvo bl~cka ~f Benriett Street Unit and he expected more tm come in. It Was agreed tt~ ad~ourn the meeting and meet July 114th to discuss the severa ft~rther ao it wauld give a little more ti.me for some of the money to co~ in. 1~1r., Aaders0n report~d Mr. Wright from the Division of Highvays had cam~ in and said they would inatall s~ two inch gs~lvanized Water line al~ng the State~s easterly pr~poaed right-af-xay,and tie int~ the existing four inch xatrer A?ain south sf tc,wn. They Wished t~ know where xe xaat~d Mr. Shannon's meter inst,alle~l. After di~cusaion it was agreed to have.the meter set at the city l~uai~a lin~. Ch~.ef Mize rep~r#~ed L. H~ws~rd wiahed te? transfer the card table licenrse Pr~m 107 Hridge Street to 112 Eaat Branch Street in 0'~enn~r's bar. Chief Mize ; wished tw rec~~end thnt the license tranafer ~nly be iaaued en a temp~rary basis ' and if there x~s tr~uble at any time he ceul~ recon~end to the C~un~il the license be rev~ked.. APter looking •v~er the card table license it was found there x~a a aectie~ W~iic~i clearly strited that should there b~ a vielatis~ t,he Council could rev~ke tha license ~t ~ny time. A mmtion xaa~ then a?ade by Councilman~bee, secanded by Counciom~.n Brennan t~ appr~ve the meving •f the card t,ribl~ license from 107 ~ Bridge Street t,~ 112 Fsast Branch Street in 0'Cenner'a bar. A11 a~embera v~tea~ Aye. _ ~366 ~ Ree~lution ~330 C Aes~luti~a anth~rising acceptance and recerda~ti~n ~f an eaaement. H~ IT R834LVBfl, ttu~t th~ eas~men~ lr~m th~ City Arroy~ Cira~ie t~ Albert l: 3pieriing and L. Jean Spierling, hueband and ~'ife, b~ acc~pted, the Hay~r be auth~ri$ed t~ sign f~r th~ City ~f Arr~gs 4rani~e, and the aan+e is here~itti ~rdered record~i. Oa aNti~n ~i C~uncil~sn Brennan, ~ecin~ed by C~unail.n+ar? Dixs~A and ~n• t~?a l~ll~wwing r~ll call wte: - ?YSS 2~ C~uricilmer~ Burt, I~ee, Fence, Dixs~n a.nd Bre~ NOES: N~ne A&S~NT s I~~~e t~h~ f~reg~isg resalutia~ ~aa ad~pte~. Chief I+~i~e pre~ent~~ the P~lic~ Dept. Hwdget an~ ex}~lainei all t.he i~s. It was agresd t~ taksn~ acti~n ~n #~he b~~get until a further ~eating xhs~ t~a C~uacil x~ul~i g~ ~~r the •ther budget~. - ~h~ Chiaf askei at»ut a tx~ xe~ks c~urae at II. C. A. ~n P~lice Ai~a#mi:s#.r~tti~n if he f~ur~ he c~ul~t get~ the extra creiite f~r a Glaas A rats. C~uneil~nau` I.e~ xishsd t~ g~ ~n r~c~rl aa rec~~e~iing that Ghief IYiize a~rail hi~seli sf t~ ei~tra sch~~ling. The ChieP s~id if he csnld i^~at get the Claaa l~ rate he xsul~ ~tt ~ i~terest~d snd it xsa th~ugk~t t10a.fl0 x~nld pr~babl~r Q~v+er the c~at ~t t~e°tttr xe~ks. The C~uACil agrsed it x~uld appr~ve the c~urse i~ he decid~i t~ g+~i~- - Ch~,~f Bsnnett then xent ovar the Fire D~pt. budget and explainei t.he ~at~s at t,l~* Fire Dspt. 3s~e ii~raussimn ~f a n~r pumper a~l iire h~nes fell~~~'. I~ ~r~e~ suggsst~i td~at s~ th~ught be gi~ren t~ hs~ve ths pesple ~skeri t?~ ~La bsais 't'~ a f#.re h~us~ an~ pwrp~r tr~ck at the u~xt city electimn. N~ action ~aa t~k~a a~i ~h~ C~uacil agrsei t~ stu~ the F~re Dept. a~l P~lice budgeta bef~re n~xt ineet~3.~g. Bills agai~at the 4eneral Funl f~r #381~3.34, the ~a#~er Fur~d f~r ~272$~ltli~ tt~e iiaLer Dsp~sit F'~ f~r ;17.60, ani th~ Ssver Rental Furii ~~r ~7.lt.10 xer~ ~~f~+i, ' appr~~ an1 ~rie~~tl pail ~r~ ~u~i~n si ~~uacil~aan Br~nnan an~ sec~~i~i by Covt~c~il- ~n L~e. It waa ~~i and aecan~lei that v?ruehers ~''!0 thr~ugh i~T~ be sut.h~ri~d tir txanafer. • ~i~ ftu~taaer business ~n ~ti~a ~f ~~uaeila~a~ Brsnnsn the m?estit~g ~ss ~j~i tr July 1.4, 1955 a~ 8 P.K. The ~tian ~raa see~~~lei by Crcineil~an Pe~ae a~ a13. ~aambers nte~ Aye. ~ ~'P~T s ~ it~r erk 1"1~?y~r