Minutes 1955-08-19 . ~7~ The agreement prepared by Mr. HArris for a pistol range was read and ~ motion ~a~s mzde by Councilman Dixson and s~conded by Councilman Pence authorizing the Ma.xor to sign the zgrecment after it h~d been Zpproved by the Insur~nce carri~r. Motion carried. Bills agAinst the Gener~l Fund for ~5235•28,and ~17~9.6lt, the Wa,ter Fund for ~2533.~t2 and ~837.08, the WAtcr Deposit Fund for ~52.00 and the Sewer RentAl Fund for ~57.92 were audited, approved and ordered pzid. On motion of Councilm~.n Pence ~nd aeconded by Cour.cilMS~n Brennan eouchers 1 to 7 were authorized for tr~nsfer. Budgets ~ere gone over ~nd a mumber of items were cut out in order to get the budgets down to ceme within the estim~ted income. Sala.ry increases were discussed znd 2fter discussion, 1K~yor Burt appointed Councilmen Lee, Pence And himself to go over the salarics and make recommendations. - It was agreed that Councilmen Br~nnan ~nd Dixson have ~ meeting with - Supervi~or Sheehy and Mr. Beck to ~ee if there could be aome County pArticipation on some of the roa.ds used heavily for County traffic. Mr. Hamlin s~nd Joe Anderson were ~1so asked to a.ttend the meeting. No furthcr business appearing the meeting xas adjourned. ~ ~ Attest: ity lerk Ma.yor . August i9, 1955 A short specia.l meeting wzs called to hear the report of the committ~e appoi.ntcd to study szlary increa.ses. Present Ma,yor Burt, Councilmen Pence, Di,x~on s~nd Brenna~n. Absent Councilman Lee. Counci7.man Pence reported the committee suggested the folloxing incresses - those receiving ~356.00 per month raised to ~360.00, those receiving ~336.00 per month to ~3I~O.QO and the $310.00 per month to ~325.00. The budget was to be ready for adoption at the meeting Sept. 6th and ~lso report on hiring another man at the next meeting. No further business appearin the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ~ . ity lerk P'IAyor