Minutes 1955-11-01 Arr~y~ Grande, Calif~rnia N~vember 1, ~955 The City C~~cil met in regular session With Mayr Burt presiding. Up~n r~ll call C~uncilmen Lce and Pence rep~rted present. Absent C~uncilmen Dixs~n and Brennan. The minutes •f the previ~us meeting were read and appr~ved as read. The minutes ef the 8ct~ber 26th meeting •f the Planning C~mmission were read and May~r Burt asked if any~ne had anything t~ say. Mra. L~gue pr~tested again, stating that if Mr. B~n~~ur was all~~ed t~ build xhere planned, it x~uld be s number ~f feet in frsnt ef her h~use. Mr. Dix~n Conrad, representing his m~ther, stated that he did n~t feel the pr~p~sed hmuse would enharic~ the value ~f the pr~perty nearby. He als• stated that the City Planning C~mmissi~n had served the city f~r a number •f years and were d~ing a go~d 3ob. He urged that their recommendatimns be fell~wed. Mr. Harris rec~mmended that acti~n ~n th~ hearing be p~stp~ned until the next c~uncil ~eeting as it w~uld take a fsur-fif~hs v~te t~ •ver rule the Planning C~mmissisns denial and there were ~nly three councilmer~ present. A csmmunicati~n fr~m Jerry Bennett atated that the pe~ple ~n Whiteley Street wished tye cvuncil t~ call f~r bids and leave eut the street surfacing as their first estimate did net include that item. Mr. Anders~n was asked t~ get prices from the centract~r to see what the difference weuld be and diseuss the matter at the next meeting When the street cmmmissianer Would be present. It Was als• suggested t~ askethe cmntract~r fer an extensi~n ~f time •n awarding the cor~tract s• there x~uld be sufficient time t~ c~llect the money fro~ the pr~perty ~wners. ~ir. ~dera~n repmrted Mr. Dillaha ~as waiting f~r an engineers report ~n the HalC~n ft~ad well preblem and he W~uld re~ruve the tank if the engineer did r~~t c~me up this week. Mr. Harri~ repmrted sn the discussion in regard t~ the city's reaer~~ir site and the Spierling easement f~r Kater line. He Was vriting te the eWn~rs of the land ~tt eith~r side t~ see if they Would participate in the c~st ~f a aurvey t~ clear up the matter. It was rep~rt~d a request f~r water serrice had been made by a pr~perty ~wner ~n th~ s~ut,h side •f Newp~rt. Mr. Anderson asked if they eh~uld put up ~1.00 per f~ot as the pr~perty ~~+mers west •f them had deposited? A~r. Anciersa~ Was t~ check to see if there was sufficiet~t water f~r m~re c~nstuners befere all~~ing the meter installatian. If there was ensugh water and the pr~perty ~wner put up the ~1.00 per frent f~et, the C~uncil agreed t~ all~w the installation. 38~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Chief Mise asked for auth~riz~ti~n to ~rdcr the z~e~ p~lfe• car au~ I equipment which Was budgeted. It was agreed t~ keep the radi~ fr~m the p~lie~ c~ ti use in an~ther piece ~f equipment as the turn-in x~uld be ~ery law. A au?~i~n was ~ade by Cauttcilman Lee and sec~nded by Csuncil~an Ptncs auth~ri$ittg the purcha~e ~Y the car and equipme~t. M~ti~n carried. Bi11s agairist the (~eneral Fund f~r $3ltla7.lt8, the Water Fund f~r ~2689.T9, ~e water Dep~sit Fund Y~r ~32.00 and the Sewer R~ntal Fund fsr ~11t?.59 w~re audit~1d, appr~ved and ~rdered paid. C~uacilmat~ Penc~ mada a autian t,~ ~ll~w the transfer ~f v~uchers ~].9 thru ~21t, C~uncilman Lee sec~nded the m~ti~n. ir4ti~n carried. N~ iurther business appearing, the meeting ad3~urned. . ~TTFST s City Clerk ~y~r