Minutes 1955-12-06 ~~84 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arr~yo Cirande, Califarnia December 6, ~955 The Citg Council ~et in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upen rell ci~ll Councilmen Lee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan reparted present. Minutes ' ~f the previous regular meeting ~aere read and appr~ved as read. . The rep~rts of the Chief ef Police and Fire Chief were read and ordered fil~d. The c~ramunication fram B~b Shigenada asking abaut renting part af the city acreage f0r farming wa~ read and discussed. Mr. ~arris agreed tc check and see if it would be necessary ta call f0r bids on renting the land. Mayor Burt and Couricilman Dixson would then check with Mr. Shigenaka. The communicatian frem the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau was read and di~seuased. Nex fire fignting equipment would loxer the insurance rates xnd it wou3e~ be~~ neceaaary t~ build A ne~ fire heuse fmr the equipment. The Cmuncil tentatively s~greed to put the propased pro~ect on the ballot in April. I~. Harris said if the people xould.v~te fcr a tax t~ build the station and purehase the equip~x~t it would be much cheaper than doing it with a bond issue. It xas also suggested te l~ok into a Butler type building with a stere front. Ths Chief of P~lice had an estimate mn the c~~t cf the new pmlice car ~hich had been mrdered. ~ Chief Mize asked about payment for va.cations worked by one or twa of his n~ltn and the Council were ~ppesed ta payment. Councilman Brennan felt they ahould take their ~acatio~ each yaar. There was.some discussion about accumulated vacati~~_ and it t~as felt that n~t over four weeks should be accumulated. It was sugge~ted the dapartment heads arr~nge the vaeatimns fmr their departments. Cau~acilman Dixa~n, water c0mrnissioner, asked Mr. Harris if it Wcsuld be pas~il~le t~ set up a water district and raise the money by a bond issue.and make•~all•the necessary i~aprevements te the water system and pay it.off out of the revenue. He felt ve would never be able ta catch up with the neede by using what prefits the~s_. were t~ do a little each year, as subdivisions and extensions were baing am~de,:, faster than the profits acewnulated. Mr. Harris agreed to check on an asses~atent ~ district. On ~otion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Dixs~n the elerk ~as authorized to pay the Fire Dept. contribution for the year. Mcition carried:~. Mrs. Ilenstine's request to operate the New Year's Eve dance to 1 A.M, was approved. - 38~ ; ~ The Clerk was instructed to get letters out calling for bids cn gasoline ~ i for the next year. The bids t~ be opened December 20th at 8 P.M. Councilman ~ , Dixson suggested they be asked if it would make the price cheaper if the storage j ~ was increased from the 500 gallons te 1000 gall~ns. j . Councilman Pence ~sked for permissian to leave the State from December 18th ~ i ~ to Janua.ry lst. It was moved, secondcd and unanimously carried ta grant his a request. Several property owners had asked about street lights in the Ad Wood Tract i and it was agreed to study the addition of lights to the tract and also to Tract 1~5. Bills against the General Fund for $39b9.20, the Water Fund for $3270.lt5, the Water Deposit Fund for ~21~.00, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~28.C~0 and the Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund for $126.07 were audited, approved and ~rdered paid. On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Councilman Brennan vouchers #25 thru ~32 were authorized for transfer. Motion carried. . No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ad3ourned. ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: City lerk Yar