Minutes 1956-01-03 ~388 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arro~*o Qrznd~, Califs~rnia January 3, 1956 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon ~oll call Gouncilmen Lee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. ~he.agreement prepared by Mr. Harris fcr the water lines on pcrtions of Spruce, Peplar, Aspen and Sa,ge Streets was read and discussed. On motion of Councilman Dixson, seconded by Councilman Lee, Mayor Burt was authorized t0 sign fvr the city nfter Mr. Harris had checked with Mr. Filer. Motion carried. It ws~s decided to hold the gasoline bids over until the Janus~ry 17th meeti:ng for further discuasion. 'rhe information on insurance for the pistol range was read. It was Agreed to hold any action over for further discussion with the ~hief of Police. Mr, Harris reported the City Attorney from Pasm Rsbles was still indisposed so he had not been able to discuss the County clai.m for refurid of overpsyment of trs~.ffic fines with him. ~ It was agreed to take no action in regard ta the Mesa prcperty at this time. Mayar Burt reported he and Councilman Dixson had talked with Mr. Shigenal~ about leasing part of the city farm and it was agreed to call for bids. Mr. Fiarris ws~s to prepare Lhe notice and the bids would be opened at 8 P.M. Jan. 1'~th. The Quit Clnim td A1 Spierling deed on prcperty lying al~ng side the reservoir site was approved by Mr. Harris and on motion ef Councilman Br~nnan, seconded by Councilmzn Pence the Mayor was authorized to sign far the city and the city pay their proper share of the cost of survey. All members voted Aye. Councilman Pence asked about a contribution for the Christmas deccarations and it was agreed to contribute ~100.OQ less the ~17.00 which the city paid for the electricity on the lights. Councilman Brennan rcperted he nmticed the F.G.& E. had inst',alled new p0wer poles on E. Cherry which had been recently improved. He suggest~d a letter be written asking a representsitive to meet with the Council so they could diacuss the matter with them. The lzne being very narrow, there $as a possibility of further improvement. No further business appearing on motion the meeting was adjourned. t ~ ATT&ST : ~ . ity Clerk yor