Minutes 1956-03-12 . s . „ , , . . . CC . ~ ~ ~ C On motion of Counci].ma.n Lee s~nd seconded by Councilnwn Brennan xnd vn the followin~ roll call vote, to wit: _ AYFS: Burt, Lee, Pence, Brcnn~n and Dixson NOES: None ABSENT: None the fore~oin~ resolution was adopted this 6th day of March, 1956. ~ The map ~rith street li~htsrecommended by the P.G. & E, enEineer was dis~uased and on motion of ~ounci7.ms~n Pence, seconded by Councilman Dixson authorization far installs~tion of 12 street liehts was approv.ed. MotioncArried. Bills a~ainst the General Fund for ~58o5.lt3, the Water Fund for ~20l~8.~9, the Wzter Deposit Fund for ~2l~.00 and the SeWer Rental Furid for ~2.78 xere audited, approved ~nd ordered paid. On motion of Councilman Penee znd seconded by Councilmzn Brennan vouchera ,~ltl~ throu~h !t9 were authorized for tr~nsfer. ~ o No further business appea.r t the meetin~ ad3ourned. ATTFST : ~ ity Clerk Mayor ~rcn i2, i956 5 P•rt• An informxl meetine of the City Council to discuss water problema ~rith ~yor Burt presidin~. Present Councilmen Lee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan. l~r. ~iderson reported the County Was roin~ to be Workint on Elm Street and the City would be xantinr to put a 10 inch line out to arand .~v~nue. Sheuld it be installed before the work on the street was to b~ done? Also there was some talk of Grorer City comin= on Grand to Spruce Street with Hzter lines and the question arose zs to how it xould affeet the City's Mzster Plan. The Brieco Hill Water lines were discussed and Mr. Anderson su=~eated the ~3040.00 whicM had been bud~eted this year for replacin~ lines on Hillcrest would probnbly t,~ke care of the problem this year and as ti~ae Went on~othar portions of the lines could be replaced. The Council a~reed to hold a meetin~ with t,he irrover City Water Boaxd sa soon s~s A meeting c~uld be strran~ed to set A pnlicy on bound,ary lines for futur~ plannin~. ~ . No actions were ta.ken and the Clerk was asked to call Mr. PA~e oP tht Gro~er City Water to s?rr~n~e a meetin~ date for their Bos~rd and the Ci~r Council. P'ketin~ ad3ourned. / . ATTEST: ity Clerk yor , w~ ; ~ t ~ - . ~ , . ~ . , . , . . ,>,:,:,~~.:.:,..xa~~.- - ~.w,..~.~~1