Minutes 1956-03-20 , ~ Arroyo Gr~nde, Californi~ t`~rch 20, 195b The City Council met in regul~.r session with I~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll c~ll Councilmen Pence ~nd F3rennan reported present. Counciim~.n Lee arrivcd lzter ~nd GounCilm~n Dix~on w~s absent. jhe minutes of the previous re~ular and speci~l meetin~ were rezd and zpproved ~s rcad. Bids for installation of sewer on Gr~nd Avenuc between Bell ~nd ~~k Strects ~nd ~ portion of Nevada 5treet were opcned znd it w~s ~greed thc bids be tzken undcr advisement. Ghief Mize ~sked zbout havin~ Officers winslow a.nd Richzrdson ~ttend a meetin~ in Fresno, the subject of the meeting wzs to be stolen ca.rs. The Council ga.ve ~ppraval for the officcrs to ~ttend the mcetin~. Chief Mize zsked permission to bc ~bsent froM the ~ouncil meetin~; April 3rd znd his r~quest w~s ~ranted. ~3ids t~ere opened on the drilling of ~ ncw w~ter well and it was ~gr~ed to tzke the bids und~r advisement, P~r. Hzrris a.~reed to prcps~re ~n ordinance on turning portion of Hz~.cyon Rc~d over to th~ County for th~ next meetin~. i~tr. Ha,rris w~s to prepaxe the ~~rb~oe frznchise ~~reement. ~3ills aga.inst the Gcner~l Fund for ~nd the ~a.ter Fund for-~~ were ~udited, ~pproved ~nd ordcred paid. No further business a.ppe~rin~ the meetin~ w~s ~d~ourned. ~ AT~i'EiT : ~ ~ ~ ; ity Clerk Nt~yor c,, , March 22, 1956 xn informzl meeting of the City Council with the Grover City watcr Boa.rd was held in the City H~11. Yresent fram thc City Gouncil w~s i`~yor Burt ~nd Councilmen Lee, Pence ~nd Brenn~n. Absent Councilma.n ~ixson. It w~s a~reed by the Grover City }3oard th~:t the~r would not ~;o beyond 18th Street ' with w~ter if the city planned to extend their wzter line to 1$th Street within ~ short time. It w~s mutu~lly zgreed th~t 18th Street would be the bound.zry. A motion was ma,dc by Brcnn~.n, seconded ba~ Penec authorizing Mr. Anderson to extend the 6 inch w~ter line on Gr~nd to 18th Street, ~11 members present iroted Aye. r ~So further bu5iness ap~earing tne meetin~; ad~our ed. _ ~ ~ ~ , ry~ ~ ATTEST f , . ~ ~ City Glcrk P~fayor , `