Minutes 1956-03-22 , , ~ Arroyo Gr~nde, C~liforni~ c~rch 20, 1956 The City Council met in rcgul.~.r session with .t~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Pence snd tirenn~n reported present. Councilmzn Lee a~rrived lzter ~nd Gouncilm~n Di~on w~s absent. The minutes of the previous re~ular ~nd speci~l meetin~; were read ~nc~ ~pproved ~s re~d. Bids for installation of sewer on Gr~nd Avenuc betwccn Bcll znd 0ak Strects ~nd a portion of Ncvada 5treet were opcned znd it w~s ~~reed the bids be t~ken under advisement. , Chi~f Mize zsked zbout hzving Officers Winslow and Richzrdson s~tt~nd a meetin~ in Fresno, the subject of the mee~tin~ was to be stolen czrs. The Council ~a.ve zpprov~l for the afficers to ~ttend the meeting. Ghief Mize zsked permission to be ~bsent from the Council ~neeting April 3rd znd his r~quest wzs granted. ~3ids were opened on the drilling of a new wzt~r well and it wa.s ~greed to tzkc the bids under advisement. I~r. Hzrris ~.~re~d to prepare an ordinance an turnin~ a-portion of Hzicyon Rczd over to the County for thc n~xt meeting. ' i~r. Harris wzs to prep~rc the ~;arba0e franchisc ~~reemcnt. 3~ills a~~inst the Generzl ~'und for /7, ~nd the ~1~ter Fund fo~,~ ~ were ~udited, zpproved and order~d paid. No further business ~ppea.rin~ the meetin~ w~s ~d~ourned. , ~ AT'1'EST : ~ ~ ~ . .-r,.~ ~e.~~ ~ ity Clerk M~yor ~ " . March 22, 1956 xn inform~l meeting of the City Council with the Grovcr City watcr Board was ~ ~ _ held in thc City H~11. Present fram the City Council was ivI~yor ~surt ~nd Councilmcn Lee, Pence ~nd Brenn~n. Absent Councilma.n ~ixson. It w~s a~reed by the Grov~r City ~3o~rd th~t they would not ~o beyond 18th Street with w~ter if the city planned to extend th~ir water line to 18th Strcet within ~ short time. It w~s mutu~lly s.greed th~t 18th Street would be the bound~ry. A motion was mAdc by Brennzn, seconded by Pcnec authorizing Mr, Ar~dcrson to extend the 6 inch watcr line on Gr~nd ta 18th Street, ~.11 mcmbers present ~oted ~ye. T P~io further business ~ppcaring the meetin~; adjourned. _ ~ ~'~TEST : ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City Clerk ~~yor '