Minutes 1956-04-03 t.~;. ~ 3 Arroyo Grande, California. April 3, 1956 The City Council met in re~ul~r session with ~Zayor Burt presiain~. Upon roll call Councilmen Pence a.nd Brennan reported present. Councilm~n Lee ~rrivcd l~t~r ~nd Ceuncilma.n ~ixson wzs ~bscnt. The minutes of the previeus regul~r ~nd special mcetings werc read and ~pproved a.s zmended. i~irs. Ra.lph 13ennett frorn the (~a.rden S~etion of the ~omcn's Club wzs present ' to ~sk th~t something be dotlc zbout the islands. She reported they would rzther h~ve`thc south isl~nd plowed up if it could not be clc~ned otherwiscs. ~yor Burt ~greed to chcck and see whzt could b~ done with thc islands. ~he letter w~s read from J. V~rd Loomis representing the Presbyteri~n Church ~skin~ for crossw~lk on Hi~hway 101. Aftcr discussion Mayor Burt ~ppointcd Councilmen Brennan ~nd Lee to mcet with I•~r. Loomis ~nd the Chief of Police and discuss the crossw~lk before m~king a deciszon. The letter w~s read from the insurance c~rricr in reg~rd to cover~ge on the Pistol range ~nd a motion m~de by Councilman Brennan to h~ve Nl~yor Burt cxecute the a~reement on the Pistol ranoe for the city, thc motion wzs s~conded by Councilm~n Lee ~nd thc motion carried. The l~ttcr from i~•Ir. Gcor~e G~rncs in refcr~nc~ to ab~ndonment Of 'tYiC ~D0~3'~~f91xTi of vardcn Street wa,s read and a motion madc by Councilm~.r. Penec seconded by ~ouncilman Lee to zpprovc the rccommendation of the Pl~nnin= Gomr:ission and to deny the requcst for abzndonment. ~iil memb~rs pres~nt voted Aye ~nd Councilm~n Di~son wzs absent. The bids for drilling a new water we].1 w~s discussed ~nd after a len~thy discussian ~ motion was m~dc by Councilm~an t~r~nnan, seconded by Councilman Pence to zccept the bid of '~'loyd V. 6~~lls. I~Iotion c~rricd. An ordin~nce makin~ Halcyon Ro~d p~rt of the County Rozd system wzs rezd for the first time. Tk~c Clerk was asked to write Mr. H. M. Andrews ancl ask him to ~ttend the next meetir_~ of the Council. Councilman Brenn~n mad~ a motion authorizin~,1''1r. Anderson to order 600 ft of 10 inch cement asbestos pipe, the mation was seconded by Councilrr~n Lee ~nd ~.ll members present voted Ay~. ~ Councilm~n Lee rru~de a motion recommending th~ ~pprova.l of D~le Dela.no Whiteside zs a. police officer to serv~ ~t the plezsure of the Council, the s~lary to st~rt at ~32~.00 per month. Thc motion wzs seconded by Councilm~n Penc~ ~nd all members voted ~ye. Th~ sale of fircworks wzs discussed znd it wns agreed to hold it over until next rnceting ~nd check with the other cities as to their regulztions. ~ills a~ainst the Gener~l Fund for ~p3676.~l~, the W~tcr Fund for ~1859.71, the ~~ter Deposit Fund for ~2~t.00 ~nd the Sewer Rcntal Fund for d~67.83 were ~udited approved ~nd ordered p~id. Qn motion of Councilman Pence ~nd scconded by Councilman Brenn~n vouchers 50 throu~h 55 were ~uthorized for trxnsfer. ivo further busincss ~ppe~rin~ , upon motion the meeting a.djourned. ~ - ? ~ &'1`TEST : , ~'.t..~ f~~l~~ ity Clcrk ~yor