Minutes 1956-04-17 T ~ Arroyo Gr~nde, Californi~ April 17, 1956 The City Council met ~.n rc~ular session with ~~yor Burt presiding. Upon roll c~ll Counci].men Lee, Pence znd Brennan reported pr~sent, Absent ~ouncil- rr?~n Dixson. t~linutcs of the previous rcgul~r meetin~ were re~d and zpproved as re~d. Bills z~~inst the Gener~l Fund for $1758.37, and the W~ter Fund for ~1~01.22 were ~uditdd, approved ~nd order~d p~id. RESOLUTION 3~.2 IN `l'IiE CQUNCIL OF `1'HE CITY OF ~'?RROYO GK~DE, STATE ~F C~.LIFORNIA, R~.SOLUTION DEGI~ARING RESULT OF ELECTION. ' WHER:EA~S, z Generzl iiunicipal clection was held in thc City of Arroyo (~rande on Tucsdzy, April 10, 1956 ~s required by lnw. AitiD 4~':~iER~,S, it ~ppcars that notice of s~id clection was dul~ and legally ~iven, th~t voting precincts were properly established, th~t el~ction offiecrs were ~ppointed ~nd election supplies furnished, ~nd that in ~11 respects said elcetion w~s held znd conducted ~nd thc votcs cast therc ~t receivec~ ~nd canvassed znd thd returns thereof mzdc znd declzred in time, form ~nd manner as rcquired by l~w of sixth cl~ss citics. .4~~ ~?,iHEFi.~:AS, the Couricil of said City met a.t tY:~ Council 6ha.mbers ther~at on Tuesd~y th~ 17th d~y of April, 1956 to canvass the returns of said electicn, and insta.ll th~ newly clected officers, and h~ving canv~ssed s~id returns, thc council finds that the number of votes c~st, thc names af the pcrsons voted for ~nd other ~ m,~tters required b};~ lzw, to be zs hercin~ft~r st~ted, now thereforc, ttE IT RESOLVED, ~s follows: Tl-iat s~id Gener~l ~Zunicipal Elcction wa.s held and conducted in tr.e City of Arroyo u~rande on ~uesd~y the lOth day of April, 1956, in time, form ~nd mznner ~s required by l~w, that there was one voting precinct established for the purpose of holdin~ said elcction consistin~ of a. consolid~tion of the re~ul~r election precincts ~sta.blished for the: holding of Gener~l St~te ~nd Gounty cleections as follows: (Precinct 1) corrr~rising St~te ~nd County precincts number one, two, three, fei~r and five, znd the voting plaec th~rcof was ~he Citf Hall. That the whole number of votes cast in said C~ty was 5ltb, that the nAr~es of the persons votcd for, tY±~ offices for which th~y were voted, the number of the votes given in ezch precinct tv e:~ch of said p~rsons to~cth~r wit:~ the wholr. numb~r of votes which th~y received in thc entire city are ~s follows: N~i~iE OF P:~Fi,SGiV'S Vd'I'F.ll r OR : George A. Burt Councilr~n Full Tcrm 3b3 Hzrold E. Lee Councilrr,~n ~'ull Term 312 ~~.A';.-; ~ i J. . . . s Georg~ A. Carnes Councilm~n Full 2'erm 192 Ro'ocrt V. Jacobs Cvuncilman Full Tcrm 29~ Robert Lee Lambeth Councilman Ful2 Term 15It P~ul E. Wilkinson ~ouncilm~n Full T~rm 21~5 ~dn~ I~;. ~chillin~ City Clerk Full Term l~25 Edwin Whitlock City ulcrk Full Tcrm 17 Wenona S~ulsbury City C1erk Full Term 10 Wr~. 0~ Connor Cit~ Clerk Full 'rerm 1 New~ll Strother City Clerk Full Term 1 J. G. ~nTilson City Trc~surcr Full Term !~l~1 Edwin F~hitlock City Trca.surcr Full Term 1 RESOLVID Z"FiEREFORE, th~t at s~id Gener~l i'`I~nicip~I Election - ueor~e A. Burt w~s elect-d Councilman of the City of Arroyo Grande for thc full term of faur 3re~rs. H~rold E. Lee ~r~s elected Councilman cf the C~,ty of Arroyo Grznd~ for the full tcrr,i of four ycars. Robert V. J~cobs w~s elected Councilman of thc City of ~rroyo ur~.r.dc for the full term of four ycars. Edn~ T~T. Schillin~ w~s elected City {~l~rk of the Gity of Arroyo Grznde for the full term of foux° years. J. u. ~dilson wzs ~lected City Tre~.surer of th~ City of Arroyo Gra.nde for the full term of four years. Thc City Cl~rk sh~ll immediately m~ke a.nd deliver to each of such persons elect~d, a certificzte o~' election, si~ned by him and duly zuthenticated; h~ sh~ll zlso impose the constitution~l o~th of office and hav~ them subscribe thereto, wher~upon they shzll be inducted into the re~spertive offices to whic~r they have be~n ~lected. On mfltion of Councilman ~3renn~n ~nd seconded by Councilman Pence ~nd on the following roll c~ll vo-Gc to-wit: xYES; Councilm~n isurt, ~renna.n, Pencc ~nd Lee ivOES : Iuone A~SENT: Councilman Dixson the fore~oin~ resolution was duly ~.nd regularly p~ssed by the City Council of ~ ~rroyo Gr~nde, C~lifornia. . . ! i`~yor ~3urt ~dministerr.d thc o~th of office to the Gity Clerk, who then ' ~dministered the o:~th to the thrce elected Councilmcn ~nd the City Trea.surer. Gouncilm~n Lee moved thzt Gounczlman Burt rcrr~in a.s ~~yor for the next two ye~rs. Councilmzn f3rennzn su~gested Councilm~n Pence and i:ouncilma.n ~3rennan w~s ~lso nared to act ~s ;~u~yor. Councilman t~rennan withdre;w his motion a.nd seconded th~ motion m~de by Councilm~n Wee and it was unanimously a~;reed that Councilman F3urt bc Mayor. Councilman Pence~ movcd th~t J~dna ~~i, Schilling continue ~s Clcrk of th~ ~iater Dept., the motion wa.s secondcd by Councilm~n ~rennan ~nd ~11 members voted Ay~. i'hc Clerk was zsked to write ~ Ictter of th~nks to G. F. Dixson for fillin~; ir. the term of h'. H. Sim~son ~s Councilr~~.n. Councilman Brennzn moved the Council ~ive a vote of th~nks to F~, 0 Fruess for his mzny yc~rs ~s Treasurer ~nd the Clerk write him ~ letter, the motion was seconded by Councilmzn Pened and ~11 members voted Ay~. 1'he ordin~nce on fircworks wzs discussed znd it w~s a.~rced to let the ordin~nce st~nd as it was. Council.mzn ~3rennan reported Mr. Sheehy and i~eck wer~ to come down Thurs. to discuss work on the ro~ds. lhe r~quest for ~ crosswalk m~de ~y the Pr~sbyteri:n Church wzs eliscussed znd they reported Ccuncilmen ~ec and Brennan wer~ to meet with Chief Mize znd Mr. V~rd Loomis on Friday to sce whzt should ~e done. ~ %lzyor Burt reported on the islands and it w~s ~~reed to cle~n a.nd repl~nt the souttl islznd. Ordinance #117 was read for the second time. ~ ORI~TNANCE N0. I17 AN ORDIT,ANCE GF ~HE CITY OF ARRCYO GRATIDE CC2JSENTII~G TO A PORTIGN OF HALCY0~3 IiOAD T3EING CCcrSTITUT~D A COUNfiY HIGH1niAY Ati~ PART OF THE ROAD SYST~ri OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPQ. On motion of Ccuncilm~n 13renn~n, seconded by Councilman Lee, ~nd on the followin~ roll c~.ll vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Brcnnan, Pence and Jacobs i~t0~a : ~iond A~SENT: Non~ the fore~oin~ Ordinar.ce was adopted this l7th day of April, 1956. k motion w~s m~de by ~ouncilrr~n Lee to ~ccept the resi~n~tion of Homer Hzmlin ~nd a. lcttcr of zppreciztion for his services be wiritten, th~s notion w~s sccond~d by Councilm~n Penc~ ~nd zll members voted Ay~. ~ I~+ir. ~enneth '~right's ~pplic~tion for City Engine~r w~s discussed ~nd lt'f,~yor ]~urt ~ppoint~d ~ committc~ of Councilmen Jzcobs, Pence and Lee to make ~ recommendation on the appointmcnt of ~n cn~ineer. Councilm~n i~renn~n made ~ motion which w~s sdcond~d by Councilm~n Jzcobs to rezppoint ~11 City Officers and cmployees. All members voted ~ye. It w~s mov~d a.nd scconded th~.t Councilm~n Lee be ~;iv~n pcrmission to ldav~ the St~te for the month of r1ay. It w~s r~ported there was t~lk of z mc~tin~ to be held by representztives from. ~11 water comp~nies in the southern ~nd of the county to m~ke ~ study of the w~ter ~nd loak to future developm~nt of w~ter. On raction of Councilman Pence ~nd seconded by Gouncilruzn Brenn~n, Mr.- Anderson wzs authorized to purchase 600 ft of 10 znch asb~stos cement pipc. ' Motion c~rried. It w~s a~reed to writc or check ~bout h~vin~ ~ wea~ther report e~ch day - over St~tion X~:YT. 1Vo further busin~ss ~ppe~ring ~nd upon motion the me~ting zdjourned. ~ y . Al"~'~T ; ~ ' ' (A~,~.~~,~~ ity lcrk ~ I~yor .:'I _