Minutes 1956-05-15 >a Arroyo Grande, Ca,lifornir~ ~y ~.5, 1956 The City Council met in re~ul~r session with ~~ia.yor Burt presidin~. Upon rnll ca1l, Councilm~n Pence and J~cobs reported present. Absent Counci~men Lee ~nd Brenn~.n. ~he minutes of the previous re~ul~r meetin~ were rczd and approved as ren~. xESOLUTION ~3l~1~ - R~SOZU'1'IOPJ OF TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, C„~LIFORNI.A DESZGN~,TIidG Ar,TD LOCATING NO PARKING SPACES ON A ROADWAY IN THE CITY ~F ,~,T~i,R.0Y0 GRANDE AND DIR~;CTIIJG THE APPROPRIATE ~~fARKING T~iER.EOF. On motion ~f Councilrr~n Pence znd scconded by Councilm~n Jacobs and on the fallawin~ rv11 call vot~, to-wit: AYE6: Councilmen Fsurt, Pence a.nd JZCObs NO~S ; None At35EN~: Councilmen I,ee and ]3renn~n. the fmregoinE resolution is hereby adopted this 15th dsa.y of Ma.y, 1956. x~,saZU~~zo~t #31~5 RESOLUTTON OF TFiE ~I'I'Y COUIdCIL CF THE CITY OF ~.t~.RaYQ GRAf~DE RELATTVE TG THE FOR.MATIOI3 OF GAR.t3AGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT. On mc~tion of C~~cilma.n Jzcobs ~nd seconded by ~auncilman Pence, and on the followin~ rall czll vote, n .~Yk:s; Councilmen t~urt, Pence and Jacobs NOES; None ,~SSETJT : Counci2men ,Lee sind ~3renna.n the fore~oin= resolution was adopted this 15th da.y of l~ay, 1956• Loc~tion af A new ~arba~e disposal site not hzvin~ been completed, ~ motion w~s m~de by Councilma.n J~cobs, s~conded by Councilman Pence to ~rant an extensian of time to Mr. Andreras - from~ June 7th to July 3rd. i~otion c~rried. N1r. Harris recommcnded that the 1st meeting in June be chan~ed from June ~th to Junc 6th on account of ~laction Day being a Lesal Fioli~y. Nlr. Anderson w~s asked to check with the owner of the trailer on the BAptist Church propcrty. A. highw~y from the vall~y thru Huqsn~ zn~ Arroyo Gr~nde w~s discussed ~nd it wa,s a~~rced the City should write a lettcr. Mzyor ~SUrt appointed Councilmen Ja.cobs, Pence, a.nd I~r, ~ndcrson to prep~re a letter to the Division of Hi~hw~ys. ~a~ RE50LUTION #3~.6 ~tE~ULiiZ`IQ~i OF 1HE GITY C~UNCIL OF THE CI~1'Y (JF ARR.OYO GI3IiNDE ~'0 CAt+1C:~L WI~T~JR. FtildD ~iAAC~..RANT j~299 A1~iD A NEw ~~A~R~~ANT TO ~E ~aRIT`1'EN Tr1HEN ~ C;ORRE(~'I'ED INVOICE ~AS RECETVED~ On motion of Councilma.n PEnce znd secondcd by Councilm~n ~Tacobs ~nal on the following roll c~.ll vote, to-wit: .~Y~: Councilmen tsnrt, Penc~ a.nd d~.cobs - N0~'S : idone .~5FIV'T: Councilmen Lce and Brennzn the fore~oing resolution w~s adopted this l~th day af May, 1956._ It wAS reparted Mr. Sheehy had su~~csted a letter be writtcn to Mr. Callier in rE~ar~ls to str~et condition ~nd the heavy haulin~ on some af the streets. Mr. Hzrris rcquested permission to be absent from the State frmm Nts~y 26th tm June 22nd and a motion wasma,d~ b~ Couneilman Jzcobs, secons~ed by Councilma.n Pcnce t~ ~rant the request. Metion carried. Bills ~~a.inst the General Fund fo~ ~p1775.90, thc W~ter Fund for ~955•7-7, ~nd the Sewcr R~ntal Fun.d for $107.58 were audited, ~pproved, ~nd ord~rcd pa.id. No further business zppezrin~ on motion the meetin~ a.djourned. p ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~'1'T3~;T: , .~,2t, ~ `t~ ~ ~c.-~i , ~ ~ ~1 o.t. Clerk Mayor 4~