Minutes 1956-07-03 20 . Arroyo t~rande, Califarnia . . duly 3, 195b The C3ty Council s~t in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. ~pon roll call Councilmen ?~ee, Jacobs ~nd Brennan reported present. Absent Councilman Penee. - . The minutes of the previous regular and special ~eetings xere read ' ~nd approved as read. ~r. Jerry Bennett asked to terminate the Fire ChieY position as of Julv 31, 1~56 and asked thsit Tony Marss~lek be appointed as Fire Chief as Qf August lst. Upon ~no~Cion of Councilm~an Brennan and seconded by Councilra~n Jacobs, the re~ignation of Bennett was ~ccepted and the n~tion carried. The Council also wished to e~rpress their appreciation to Chief Bennett for his serviees the p~~t years. Couneilman Lee made a n~tion to appoint A.ntonio Marsalek Fire ChieP as of lugust lst. 1956. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brennan and all members present voted Ay~. Marsalek asked why Fire Department Ynembers xere not asked to attend the Committee meeting to discuss Fire House and fire equipment. He was told it ~ras an over~ight as at earli~r ~eetings the Fire Chief hs~d attended. S~t. Richardson reported the Highway Patrol had reported u volunteer fireman had ran through a boulevard stop on his way to a fire reeantly and while he had not issued a citation he suggested the matter be ts~ken up ~rith ' the 6ouncil. The car did not haewe a red light or siren. Mr. Harris said that if a eolunteer fireman could safelq run a stop on his way to a fire~ ' he should do ~o. It would be very costly for the City to install emergency equipment on private cars even ~f' a per~tt Qovld be obtained. Tony I~arsalek suggested a ne~ed for a fire ordinance as all the last fires had been from improper incinerators. A~r. ~teal from the Divisian of Highxays had the letter and agreement for relocation of sever~ but as Mr. McClenni?n and Mr. Anderson Were not pressnt it was agreed to hold it over until theq would be present ~nd have them go aver the plane~. ~r. Ne~l again asked about reloc~tfon of water lines as the Telephonea Co. was planing on running th~ir cable on the Valley Road o~rerhead cross- ing of the Highway, A~otion was ~de by Council~an Lee to in~truat the engineering departrnent to st~rt investigation or survey for the best method of relocating the wat~r lines changes made necessary by the Freews~y construction. ~.'h'he motion xas aeconded by Jacobs and ~tion carried. Cost and location of a new firehouse was discussed and it was s?greed to ask the Planing Commi~sion to appoint tWO or ~re representatives to meet with the cor~mittec.to study location and type oP building for the Fire- House. P4r. Costa w~s present to ask Por exten~3on of w~ter and serM.ce to his nex house and it was agreed to hold it over until next ~teeting ~rhen Mr. ~,n.derson was present. ~he notice calling for bids on 2 car loads of 6 irich asbestos ce~ent pipe was approved and the bids Were to be opened at the July 17th meeting at 7:30 P.~i. ~soLUrrorr # 3l~9 OF THE CITi~ COU1dCIL fJF THE CIfiY QF ARROYO _GR,,~TDE, CnUDt~'Y OF S.t~AT ZUIS OBISPQ, RELATIVE TO THE ANNEX- ATION OF CERTAIAi UDTINHI~BITID TEI~RIT~RY TO THE CITY , 8F ARROYO C~RANDE. ~n motion of Govncilm~nn Brennan, seconded by Council~n JacoY~s,: and. on the following roll call vate, to-wita ~ AYSS: Counci].~ten ~3urt, Lee, Jacobs and Bre~nan NOF.~ z None ~ffiENTs Councilman Pence . the foregoing resolution is hereby ~dopted. ~ A~ayor Burt Xas authorized to execute and sign ~he agreement on the Pistol Range~ with the Changes recom~ended by the Church Commi.ssion. Mr. Harris reported he had contacted the County in regard ta use of the property on the Nie~a. It was suggested to have A~r. Doty, Andrexs~ Mr. Bakeaas~n and a r~presentative from the County Health Department at tha next ~eeting. Mr. Tidalgo had asked to have a~ter set on the east side of I~r. De Leon's property as Mr. De Leon had agreed to let hia~ run the xater line through his property. The matter was discussed and Mr. Harris said he Would drax up an agreement. 2~ The Minnie Burgan water and sexer bill was to be changed to a single minimun as there was no Kitchen use s~t the house in the rear any ~ore. a Billa against the Gene;ral Fund for ~3675.E,b~ the Water Fund for ~10,082.33, the Water ~eposit Fund for $7~,50 and the Sexer Renta3 Fund for ~1l~.22 were audited, approved and ordered p~id. On motion af Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Jacobs vouchera ~?2 through 76 were suthori~~d for tr~nsfer, No further bu~iness appe~ring, it wag moved, seconded and carried to ad~ourn to 7:30 P.M. July lOth t Work on the budget. • ~ ~ ~ ) ATTEST s . ~ F~;~ . ~=.c's z ~ ~~t , L.~~ ~ ~ lerk ~y~ ..~rroyo Grande, Califor•rxi~ . July 10, 1956 Th~ City Council ~et in ~n Ad~rn~d ~eeting to go oner the budgets, I~tayor Burt presiding. Upor~ ro11 call Councilr~n Lee, Pence, Jacobs, and Brenru~n reported pres~nt. . ~ . After going over the estimated revenues and balances Por the 56-57 ' fiscal yesr, and the budgets submitted, a~otior~ was ~ade by~Councilman ~3rennar~, secondcd by Council~an L~e to adopt the budgets as thay noW st~and. Administratine 12~l~2~.00 Folice Dept. 2$~$l~g,pQ F3.re Dept. . 3,5~.66 A~iscellaneous ?,105.t~ ~ Street DePt• ~t5,507.00 ~ ~`a~r Dept. b2,576.00 ~to further business appearing the ~;eting ad~ourned. /~,T~'EST: . -i i • ~ ` ..~.%``.~.~-~"c~` r:.j~.s.'~ ~'~~~z .a~~ ity Clerk Hayor