Minutes 1956-07-17 . Arroyo Graztde, Califarni~a July 17, 1956 The Gitg Council met in regular session Wi.th Mayor ~3urt presid- ing. Upon roll call ~ouneilmen Lee, Pence and ~rennan reported gre- sent. Ab~ent Councilman Jacobs. The minut~e,e of the previous regular and ad~Q~uq~ned meetings r~ere read and approved as read. ~3ids xer~ opened for the ce~nt asbestos gipe. The b3.ds submitted by Crane ~nd Johns~3anville were lowest and the bids identical so a eoin Was flipped and the Johns-~3anville ~on the toss. A motion was , then made by Gouncilman Pence to accept the bid of Jphns-Msnvills and Nlayor Burt be authorized to sign for the City, Counci].n~an Brennan seconded the motion and al1 ~nembers voted Aye. The Committee appointed to make the study on a new fire house reported they r~ould try to be ready for the meeting Auguat 7th. Relocation of the sewer mains made necessary by the new Freewaq was discussed and the plans and specifications were looked over. It , ~ was agreed to hold tY~e agree~ent over and gee.if an e~semen~ had been , obtained by the Sta.te and al~o I~r. Harris sug~ested the agreement should state that the State '~ou1d be liable for any increaaed cost on the xork. Mr. ~.].Pred Costa appeared to see about w~ter to his property and xas told he would have to put up ~2.~~ per ft. less any a~ount the State would pay on the line from Cherry Ave, to the o2d P.C. ft/'~t. 1~. And.erson was asked to study the pro3~ct further, Mr. ~ndrews xas present to di~cuss the A~esa dump_site under con- sideration. 2~t•. Bakeman wa~ on vacatian so could ~ot attend and Mr. Doty xas out of town. Mr..Aridrewg suggested several methods af operat- ing the dump and he did not feel he could afford ta bui:ld,a road into the p3ace being considered. Mr. Harris reparted he had di~cussed the dump site with the County and had thought the Cfty would be willing to turn the site over. to the ~iistrict i~ one were forayed later. The sit~ . would have to be eleared with the Board of :iupervisors and the County ~'lanning Comrnission. Councilman F3rennan was authorized to negotiate a lease agrsea~ent with 1~. Daty ~nd get a description of the property.,.#~e propo~ed ~ouricilman Pence was to ask the group protesting the t~ak Park ih~mp site and see if they would agree to an extension of tin~e. If necessary a special meeting was to be called. 2~ The water line Which Mr. Tidalgo had requested was to be held over until next ~eetin~. ~rs. Ilenstine asked permission for a 1 a.m. closing of the ~aturday night dances. ~ ~soLU~zox ~ 350 - _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQUNCIL ~F THE CITY OF ..A~RROYO GRJCNDE TO EXTEND THE CL4SING TIME FROM 12 P~IDAtIGHT TO 1 A. M. ~ ~n a~otion of Gouncilman Pence, secoaded by Couneilman Brennan and on roll call vate to wit= dYES; C`+ounci].men ~3urt, Lee, Fence and ~rennan NOES: None 11BSENT: Councilman J~coba the ~oregoing re~oiution was adopted. The money havin~ been deposited for a water li.ne to the pro- pert~ on PrisciZla I~ane, a motion was made by Cauncilman pence~ secflnded by Council~nan Brennan authorizing llnderson ~o proceed ~tith the installation sub3eet to the utility easement for the line. Mr. Bill ~'Connor's requsst to have the card table"license ' issued in his name instead of C.~. Howard this year was given approva3. Tony Mar~alek asked if the Fi,re ~epartinent ~ras called to s fire and found i~ was ~ust outside the city ~i~its, should they put the fire ov.t or not. ,After diseussion l~r, Harris recanm~ended the dspart- ment should stay ir~side the City and he would Write a letter ars ~ fires outside the Gi~y. ~iZls against the General Fund for ~16l.t3.07, the Water Fund far ~95$.22 were audited, approved and ordered paid. It was n~oved and seconded that voucher~ ~ 77 to ~ 83 incl. be authorised for transfer. I~o further business appearing the ~eeting ad~ourned. ATTEST ; ~iy.0 . ~~~~/NI , K/!°~ ~ ~ ~~~'i~`-'~ u ity lerk ~ayor