Minutes 1956-08-07 26 Arropp Ca~and~~ C~lifornia A~gust 7, 1956 The Citg Courici2 ~t in regu~.ar se~sion with I++~~or Burt preaid•• ing. Upott roll call CounciL~n Pence and Js~cobs reported pre~ent. Couucil~aa,n Hre~.an. arriv~sd 'a littler later ar~d Ccvucil~n Lee xas ab~ent. The ~3.nt~t~s ~of the previous regular ar~d special meetings werc read s~nd approved aa~ r~ad. " Fi.re Chidf Ma~r~~l.ek read a co~cation fra~ ~2ie Arroyrc~ ~].ectric Co. ~i.ving imf'ormxtion and pri.eea on inst.al.ljetion of 6 portable radic~ recei~ers for natifyi~g ~'ire men in their ha~es when a fir~ cali co~es in. ~h~ sy~~ prapflsed x0uld util~.ae the b~~e sta~ion in the Fo~.ic~ ~ept. a~id the r~ceivers c~uld be ~~ed eaaiZ,q fro~ one firemans h+~a~e tc~ anath~r. ~ter discu,ssion a~otion ~de by Cowacilman Br~~, ~second~d by Go~ncil~an Pence t,c order the b receiver sets ~nd cosv~x- sio~ c~P th~ b~.se atation, the price quoted was ~617.Oa. ~tian carried. A del•gs~tion of prcperty ~mers from th~ Mes~ ~rerm pre~eat tcc~ protast the lac~~ian cP a d~p s3.te on the Doty progertg, A length,y : diaeus~ion fc1l,a~ed. I+3~, H~rris reco~aend~d a actua7. transfer of presperty b~ he2,d up until tha City is sure thay ca~ ~se ths property ~9r a+du~ site. After ~re diacusaion ~he Council decided ta ref~r th~ ms?tter tca the Ci~y Pls~nning Co~.i.~sion and sugge~t they xork with the Cauntg Planning Cc~Ti.ssion as the Counc~l dc~es not feel.. they s~nt to take the burden of ~aking the deci~ion. It was agreed ~re infar~t3.on oa a fire house t~ould be ready fOr the A~.xt 1~eeti~ga 'It was agreed ~o make appl~i.e~tion for Gas Tax Mon~y for ~treet Construction or~ Bridge Street anci also the m~tching fnnda fro~ Stato. Th~ I~aey dep~asited f'or the Byer water lina having been re~eived, ~r. Anderson Ws~s ~.ut.h.ori~ed to have the line ~nst.s~lled„ ftelocation caf sewer line~ m~d~ neaessary by the new Freewzy was discu~sed and Cauncilm~n 3acobs a~ad.e a motion to ~ccmpt the plsuas submitt~d by 1~1r. Geor~e Pearsvn and approved by 1+~, i~ceClennan. Hi~ motion was later ~rithdr~wri. It was th~n agreed to refer the relflc~.tion of the sewers to the Planning Co~i.ssion at thcir regul.ar meeting Au~. 22r?d and a repr~~ent- ativv~ from the I?i~. flf ~i~hway~ would attend the ~etin~. `:6 ~ •~r. ~trris read for the first time an ordinance he had prepared to turn aser to the ~ounty z portion of Huasna Road from R~ut~ ~I,It7 to the City Li~i.ts, ~ ~FS~LUTI(}M ~3~1 RESOLUTION t3F THE GI`.~Y CQUAiCSL THAT PQATI~~ QF HUASN~, R4AU B~; AUDID ~`0 ~HE C~UN2Y. RQp1D SYST&E±i FOI~. MdIN`~EN1lNCE Pi~RPQS&S. ' On motion oi Council~ri Br~nnxn and s~cond~d by ~c~waciln~n P~nas and by the fol7.owing rol.l es~ll vote: IYESs Cauncilmen Burt, Fen.ce, Jacob~ and Brennan I~~S a ~ton~ ,ABSENT: Gouaci7.~ten i~ee the foregoing re~ol~.tion ~ias adapt~d, E}n ~ation cf Cauncilm~n Pence, seconded by Gounci2~r~ Jacob~~ it ws~s agreed to refer planning of a dua~p sit~ tc~ the City Pl~.nni.n~ Commrts~icn. 'Motion carri~d. ~~tian was nua.de by Couricilman Breru~an ta direct R'1r. ~x~.dre~+rs t,c~ 'stop ~ing the Os~k P~rk du~ s~ite and arra.r~.~e for other duu~ping pri,vile~es before ~i~.g. 22nd. The motion w~,s ~eca~ded bg Couneil~ea P~nce and al], ~~bers vated age. ~oLtrrzort #352 RESOLITTION aF THE CITY CQUAtCII~ t3F 2HE Ci'r'Y C3F ARRC}YQ GRANDE EST,pBLTSHIR~G "N0 PARKING~ Z~NE . On motio~ of Cvunci:lman J~cobs, seaonded by Cowa.cil.m~n Brenn~.a and ?aar the follow3n.g ro11 call eote: AYES: Couneilmen Burt, Fence, Jacobs r~nd Brennan NaLS: i~oas ABSENT: Gouncil~n Lea the foregoing resolution was s~ciopted. Bi11s against th~ General fuxzd for $~99~.,12, the Water P~nd for ~~373.19~ ~e ~ater I3epasit Fund for $2Q.00, the Special 4~s Tax St. I~. Fund for ~l~8(3.l~6, tMe Tra.ffic Saf~ty Fund for ~6{?0.04 and the Se~er Aenta]. fund for ~69,81 ~rere au~i'~ed, ~pproved, ~nd crdered paid, - It was ~ov~d, seconded ~nd carried that ~7ouchers ~l to ~6 incl, be s~uthori~ed for tr~sfer, It was ~grsed to s~sk thet Plannin~ Com~3.,ssion to re¢o~end tu t~~ Council the n~es ofi ~ev~ral persona t~ fiTl th~a ~acaneie~ an the~ Pluining Cc~~i.ssion,. No further busin~ss apgearing the ~eeting act,journ~d. ~ _ . I{t4e+~Vi..~•~~~.~ , ' r~~/ .J,.~_.. ~/y~~ ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ~r . . .,iJ I ~Y4 1~~~ OF r