Minutes 1956-08-21 26 . _ Arro~ro Grande~ Calif. $ugust 21, 195b The City Council met in regrtzlar session with Mayor Burt presiding, Upon roll call Couneilmen Lee, Pence, 3acobs and $rennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and appxoved as read. eouncilman Lee gane a report on information receined so far on' fire equipmr~nt and also quotations on a building. There was discussion on types of building but no action taken. The hearing on annexation of Alder Street '~Af~ Addition was announced and Mr. Frank Ryzner read a letter protesting the annexation signed by Mr. and Mrs. Warren V. Kofahl and Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Ryzner. n~unber of property owners from the Fair flaks area protested the annexation af a small parcel. Mr. Harris explained the annexatiqn proc~edings and the petition asking for annexation was read. Council- ~;~n Brennan suggested the hearing be continued. The Council ~nbers assured those pre~ent they did not wiA~h to force anyone into the City. Nir. ~,ndrsw David recommended the hearir~g be held up or tabled ` until the area could be polled to see how many woul.d be in favor of annexation. Mr,.~n~el who was one of the property owners who had petitioned Por annexation asked that the hearing be tabled and not dropped until they could hold a meeting to see how the area felt. Councilman Brennan made a motion to continue the hearing until the Sept. 4th meeting and there has been more study. ~he motion'was • seconded by Coun~il.man Lee and all members voted Aye. ~en Jacabs spoke about annexation and suggested a survey of the area be made. I~r. Tidalgo and i`~r. Bucton were~ present to ask about water to their property and it was suggested the property owners to be served shou7~d pay ~2.00 per front foot bf their property. Mr. Anderson wa7s asked to have fi~es ready for them on the cost. - • ~ A motion was made by Councilman ~3rennan: seconded by Councilm~n Pence~that Earl Woods Jr, be reappointed to serve on the City Planning Commission and Deril ~aiters be appointed to the City Planning Commi.ss3.on each for a 4 year ter~. All members voted Aye. 29 Councilman ~rennan reported on the eondition o.f Vernan gve. ~her~ work had been done by the Contractor for the new freeway. ~r. Anderson was to prepare a statement and ~r. Harris ~ould write a letter to the Division , of Highway. It was agreed to hold up the second reading of the ~rdinance for a month. A time for election on a bond issue for fire house and equipment Has discussed and more costs xere to be obtained. It was eu~gested it ~ould ~e better to hold the election in January rather than on the General EZection in November. ^ RESOLUTION N0. 3 3 RESOLUTION OF THE CI~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .~RROYO ~RANI7E, I.EV3CING TA,XFS FOR 1'HE CURR.ENT FISCAL YEAR . 1956-5? U~N aI.Z _ TAXABI,E PROP~RTY I~ITHIN THE CITY OF ARR~YO GR~NT)E, ~1VD FIXT~TG THE R.~TE OF SUCH TAX. , On motion of Councilman ~rennan and seconded by Couneil~an Jacob~~ and on the follo~?ing roll call vote: .~YFS: Councilmen Burt, ~ee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan . ~tOES : None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted. Mr. Don ~haffer asked about a meeting of the City ~ouncil and the Planning (%ommission and it was suggested the ~eting be held August 28th if it was agreeable to all. Bills against the Genersl Fund for ~2(309.97 and the ~ater Fund for ~1002,1~2 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. ~,fiT&ST: C~~%~.~Q , ~ ` ~ , ~ ~ :ti.~,~~-,.;~ ~ C.`-/ J~`'j#~ City Clerk ~+Iayor ~