Minutes 1956-09-18 3~ ~ Bi11s against the Gen~ral Fund fo~ ~2852.27, the water Fund for ~13,210.~l~ and the Water Deposit Fund for ~2~.00 were sudited~ approved, and ordered p~id. It was moved, seconded and carried that Vouchers ~7 through 12 be authorized for trs~nsfer. Councilman Jaco~s made a recommendation that some forxn be worlced up to m~ke it easier for praperty owners seeking to have sewers installed or improvements i€istd~ . No further business ap earing the meeting ~d~ournc+d. ~ ~TEST s ~ ~ ~ ~ } ` ~ ~ Ci y Clerk yai~ or ~ r, Arresyo Grsande, Calif. September 18, 1956 The Gity Council met in regul~.r session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen I,ee, Penc~a, J~cobs and Brennan reported present. The~ Minutes of the previous rcgula~r mecting wer~ re~d and appro~red as rexd. Chief i~ize requeGted permission to ztt~nd the League of Calif ornia Conference in Los Angel~s in Oetober. On motion of Councilm~n Lee ~nd seconded by Gouncilm~n Brenn~n the rtqucst wzs granted. Motion c~rried. Chief Mize reported classc~ were being h~ld for police officcr~ twiee a we~ek " in San Luis Obispo. He asked if the City would furnish gasoline or pa~r the ex- pens~s of the offic~rs attending ~.nd it was agreed to a.llow ea.ch ms~n $~l.t~ p~r week e~ens~~ while a.ttendin~ cl~sses. It was moved~ seconded sind carri~d that M~.yor Burt sign tne Proclsim~tion sdtting Scpt. 23 - 29th ~.s Nation~l Busine~s and Professional Women's Wcek be approved. Councilm~n Brennan mAde ~ motion to ~.pprovc the plans for the improvement of Gr~nd Ave. at the Halcyon Ro~.d intersect~.on, the motion w~s saconded by Councilman J~cobs ~nd all members voted .~,ye. Councilm~n Brennan m~de motion to approve the plan~ for improaement of; Bridge St., the motion wzs seeond~d by Couneilman L~e and motion carried. Cauri~l~,ati. Brenna.n then m~de a motivn to zdvertis~ for bids on th~ Grand Afes. and Bridge Street ~obs to be bid separs~tely ar~d the bids to be opened Oct. 9th at 7:30 P.M. The motion wa.s seconded by Gouncilman Jaco~s a.nd alI member~ noted .~ye • It was reparted ~he money had bean deposited for the w~tcr l~.ne to the lt propertie~ on tha east City limits znd on motion of Councilman Penec a.nd ~econdcd by Councilm~n Brennan~ ~;pprov~l was given for thes in~ta.lls~tion of the water line. Motion carriQd. 32 A~r. Loren Newman having put up the money for his property on Poplar Awe.i a motion w~s ma.de by Councilm~n Pence, second~d by Councilm~n J~cobs to instnll th~ 6 inch 13.ne from Elm St., to l~sp~n St. Motion carried. . Mayor`Bur~ ~ppointed Counci3m~.n Pence to represcnt the City on the San Lvis Obispo County Resoure~s Bo~rd. ~ Cauncilma.n P~nce reported on thc Water meetings hs ~ttendsd-in Sa.n Luis Obispo and S~nta Barb~.ra. Councilman Brenn~n sa,id he wished to compliment the workers who had cleancd~up the islznds su~d he a7.so wished to compliment thc street workcrs on the work being done on the streets in W~ster~ A,d.dn. A rcquest from Vernon Wizemann to r~:nov~ his name fr~m the pctition for a~nnexa- tion on .~lder Strcet was rea.d. Mr. Harris thc City Attorn~y recommended the letter bc filed. The requ~.st to changc the T~.xi Stzr~ of Mr. P.yu~ from the West side of Bridge St., to the east side of the str~et wa.s approved. Bills ~giinst the G~neral Fund for ~2n79.38 ~nd the Wat~r Fund for ~8l±2.1~ were audited, approved and ord~red paid. No furth~r ~usincss ~pp-~rin~ and upon motion the meeting a.djourned. ' ~ ~ y'~ ~ ATI'EST: ,;r~~±t'~.~ ; f~ ; City Glerk ~ zyor