Minutes 1956-10-24 OfzUINA~fiCE #118 AN ORDINAIVCE 0~' 'I`H~ CIT~ OF ARR.OYO GRANi}E COAi- SF~NTING ']:'0 ~ PORTIO~J OF THE UFPER AR;HOYO GRANDE ROAD BEII~G COI~STITliT~ A COUiUl'Y HIGHftdAY AIv-D FAFiT OF 'I:`HE ROA,D SYSTE';•~ Ok? THE COUN`i'Y OF SAN LUI~ O~IaPO. On motion of Councilman Penc~, secor~ded by ~ouncilman Brennan and on the'follow- ing roll call vote to wit: AYES: Couneilmen ~3urt, I'encc and ~3rennan ~ NOES: Nane , ~i.SENT: Cour~cilm8n Jacobs and Lee. the foregoing Ordinanc~ was adopt~d this 16th Da.y of ~etob~r 19~b. Bills against the General Fund for ~18~7.32 and the Water Fund for $9~~.95 were sudited, approved and ordered paid, It was moved and seconded that a l~tter be written in regard to furnishing water to Tract ~101. ' , No furthcr business app~aring the m~eting adjourned. R . ~ ~,t~~ST: ~ k~,, ~ ~ , - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L'~ ;f~: `'L"'~, ity lerk ~ Mayor Arroyo Grande, Calif', ~ctober 2~t, i956 5 ~.m, . Special meeting called to amend th~ Grand Ave, contract. ~1a~or Burt presided and ~our?cilmen P~•ncc and }3rennan present. Absent Councilmen Le~ a~d Jacobs. - ~ir. ~1eL~nnan ~a3cplained the chang~s and had prepar~d a resolution. ~t~SOZUTTUN #356 RESOLUTIUN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AR.RO`10 GR~dDE ~'0 ANIEND COiVTRACT ArT~ SPEGIFICATIONS ON PROJECT 90-K6-2 FOR TNIPROTT~"s'"~NT OF GRAND AVE. It~m 1, of .Article II being t~e quantity and price for remo~ring road mi.x surfacing shall be deleted from the contract and the following addendem shall herewith beco~ , a part of said contract known as urand Ave. paving ~'roject No. 90-56-2. . 1. xemove 1178 sq. yds. of present road mix surfacing including 133 cubic yards of existing base material and all incidcntal work th~reto for th~ Iump sum of ~c53F~.12. ~ 2. Section 10 Paragraph E of Sp~cifications for materials shall be changed to r~ad: E. Plant I`~.x: Plant mix shall conform to thc ~~tandard Specifications for lype "~3~i with a" rnaximum grading of mincral aggr~gate, ~s per S~ction 20 of Standard Specifications using paving asphalt of 85-1Q0 pcnetratioA a5 per ` s~etion 5t~ of the ~ta~dard ~pecifications. ~ 3. '1'otal Contract price for this work shall now bc ~3b~9.92. On motion of councilman ~rennan s~conded by ~ouncilman ~'ence and on the following roll call vo~e to wit: 1lY~S: Councilm~n Burt, P~ncea and Brcnnan. ~ NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee and J~cobs th~ foregoing r~~olution was adopted. No further business app~aring thc m~eting adjourned. AZ'TEST : ~ ~ j~r ~ -'J . ~ ity lerk , yor Arro~ o Gr~nde, C~lif . ° Noveml~Gr 7, 1956 `ihe City Council met in rcgular session with Councilm~n ~renn~n presiding ~s i~i~yor. Pres~nt Councilmen Lee and Jacobs. Absent ~~a;Tor Burt and Councilmcn ~ Pence. 1'he minutes of the previous regular and soecial mr,Gtin;s r~~d and ~pproved , as read. I~ir. Harris zgr~~d to pr~mpar~ ~ resolution to ~mend ~esolution ~352 in regard to red zone along the wcst side of the islarid south of 1V~lson Strcet. lhe letter from ~h~ llivision.of tii~hway on the ~rand ~ve. -Er~nch St.~ - intersection was read and discussr.d. ~t was agreed to refcr Lhe mattcr to tha ~~Pl~nning Commission for furth~r study and z eomniittecsappointed from the Council .to have an answer for the next.Council m~etin;. Acting T'lzyor i3rcnn~n apnoint~d Councilman Jacobs ~s Chairman to act with Councilmen Lee and Pence~, wi:~h G3ii~f I~:z~ anci J.:. Anc1:~r~on to sit in on the studaT. . ~ - t~'ir. Anderson was asked to paint the West side af tn~ island r~d as approve~ by the Hiohway liepartrnent. ~ ~~r. Claudc Dcvereaux on beh~lf of himself and wife wished to thank the Council • for the work dcne on thc streets in `~7estern Addn. i~Ir. ~nderson report~d i'~ir. I3iani would go ov~r the srand Ave. ~ob the ncxt d~y. i~ir. Harris recamm~nded ivlr. ~~cClenn~n, Ccuncilman Brennan and i'~r. Anderson ~~t tobether w~th Diani and recommended thev pay for the contr~ct ar.d m~ke a eompromisQ if possible. . I~ir~ Harris ~gre~d to writ~ lctt~rs to all propcrty owners who had not paid for sewers ~nd inform thcm of tne amount to be paid in cas~ the propcrty should ~ chan~e hznds. . ,