R 2246 335 RESOL1J'110N NO. . 2246. A RESOL1J'11ON OP THE C1T!' COUNCIL OP THE C1T!' OP ARROYO GRANDE AI'PROVING WT SPLIT CASE NO. 8IHSa. SOtJ'l'BEAST CORNER OP OAK PARK B01JLEVABD AND .tAIII!S WAY (KEVIN KBNNEDYJRUMRT.T. ~ WHEREAS, the aty CaIncIl of the aty of Arroyo Grande his ocnsIdered Lot Split 88-458 In accordance with 0I8pter 3 of the SUbdivision 0rdInan0e of the aty of Arroyo Grande; and WRRR1l..\S, the aty CaIncIl hils found that this project Is consistent with the General Plan and the Envlronnental J'\t-...."tts associated therewith, and a Negative Declaration his been declared W1der the provisions of the Califomla Envlronnenta1 Quallty Act (CBQA); and WHEREAS, the aty C<<mI his found that the proposed IIIIp, design and Iatrovement of this subdivision Is consistent with the Generel Plan ~ and text beefl*, the General Plan designation for I this site Is HJghway CaImereIsl and the eppUcants are ~ ......u.e.dal development on the site; I and 1f1I'RR1l.-\S, the aty Councll his f1aother found that this project Is consistent with the Zorq - 0rdInan0e of the aty of Arroyo Grande; and WRRR1l.o\S, this site Is pbysicaIly suitab1e for the prqJCJSed type and density of deve1opmo>'It because ell yards, open spaces, setb8cks, fences and waDs, ~ areas and other features can be aceullwdated; and WIIBIUWI, the proposed IIIbdIvIsion design Is not likely to cause substantial and consIderabJe danIIge to the naturll envIronnent, Inc1udIr1g fish, wDdUfe or their habitat; and 1f1I'RR1lAB, II81d Lot Split was referred to the ~ CamEsIon, various aty Deplll'1ments and the Staff Advisory Camittee for r-..uu...1datlon. NOW, TIIERJDlOBE, DB rr RESOLVED that the aty Councll of the aty of Arroyo Grande hereby app'OWII Lot Split Case No.. 88-458 subject to the f~ concIitlonsl 1. Reclprocal (III'kq, access and maintenance agreements with the 8djaoent properties wD1 be required priQl' to the reccNation of final nip. Said agNEllleI1ts IIIISt be 8p(X'Oved by the aty Attorney prior to recordation of fina1 nip. 2. The 8[Jp1lMtnt sh8Illnstall fire hyIhnt(s) with f.Iaws and PI ftII lIS per Fire Depertment requirements, prior to the delivery of oaWustIb1es to the site. 3. The applicant sh8Il provide angles of departures to ae..o.".,'t'Iate fire apparatus lIS required by the Fire Department. 4. The eppUcant sh8Ilprovkle 24 It. vehicJe travel ccrridcnwith deed ends providq 35-foot radhIJ cui de -,,,. as required by the Fire Dep&rtment. 5. PBrcel B shall show access easement frail CIISa Grande Motel. 6. A~te pIII'!dng ef~ shall be shown QI' recorded COIICII'reDtly with this nip. On motion by Councll Member Jomson, seconded by Councll Member PCJI'ter, and by the f~ roJl can vote, to witl I AYESa Councll MeIWers Jomson, Porter, Mf1JIs, Moots and Mayer ManIdm NOES; None ABSElm None I ~ the foregoq R~ was piISIIed this 9th day of August, 1988. ~~, h~~vk-"'A , MAYOR ATJ:tb-r1 .~,- 11. ~ CITY CLERK .. . I .~---