Minutes 1956-11-07 On motion of ~ouneilman ~rennan seconded b~ ~ouncilman Yence and on thm following roll call vote to wit: ,~Y~~S: Councilm~n Burt, P~nce and 3rennan. ° ' i30ES : None ABSENT: Councilmen Z~e and Jacobs thc foregoing resolution was adopted. , No further business appearing the mec~ting adjourned, f~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ , ity lerk , yor . Arro~ro ~r~nde, C~lif.• November 7, 195b 'ihe City Cour~cil met in regular session with Councilman ~rennan presiding as tJ~yor. Present Councilmen L~~ and Jacobs. Absent ~~1~Vor Burt and Councilmen ~ Pence. lhe minut~s of thc previous regular ~.nd snecial meetinos r~~d and ~pproved , as rcad. I~ir. hzrris zgreed to pr~pare a resolution to zmend ~~solution ~352 in reg~rd to red zone along thc west side of the island south of IV~lson Stre~t. - 1he letter from th~ ~i~rision.of ri1~;hway on the ~rand A~r~. -Br~nch St.~ - intersection was re~d and discuss~d. It w~s agreed to refcr -che matt~r to tha ~ Planning Commission for further study and a eomrriittee ~ppointed from the Council .to have an ~nswcr for the n~xt Council meetin;. Acting l~'~ayor i3rGnnan zppointed Councilman Jacobs as Chairman to act with Councilmen I~ee and F~nc~, ~i~h ~hi~a1':' i~;zt~ ~nd J.:. ~idcr3on ~d sit in on the stud3*. ~ ' - i~r. Anderson was asked to paint the West side af the island r~d as approv~~ by the Hiohway Tiepartrnent. ~ t~Ir. Claude Dcvereaux on bchzlf of himsclf ~nd wifc wished to thank the Council ~ for the work dene cn the streets in '~lestern Addn. i~Ir. ~nderson reported i'~zr. Diani would go ov~r tY~le sr~.nd Ave. ~ob the next day. i~ir. hzrris recomm-nded iVlr. ~icClenn~n, CcunciZmar. Brenn~n and j~'1r. ~nderson gct tobcther w~th Diani and recommended thev pay for th~ contr~ct ar.d make a compromis~ if possible. . ~~r. Harris agre~d to writ~ l~tt~rs to ~11 propcrty owners who had not paid for sewers and in~'orm them of the amount to b~ paid in cas~! the property should ~ chan~e hands, . . It was ~~;reed to hold the Olive ~trcet sewer ovcr until r~ext meetin~; when all - Ccuncil m~mbers wcre present before ruzking any decision. _ ~ Councilm~n ~resnn~r~ asked i~fr. Ar.derson to help with grades for curbs znd gutter~ on I'oole and Short St. if an;~ of the property owners woul~ wish to put them in. Chief i~ize requ~stcd the rurchase of a new Police ~ar and turn in the motorcyclQ. A di~cussion followed buL no acti.en wzs takr.n. i~"ir. ~,nderson rcportcd they w~re putting s~ fence along the sew~r line at the farm as thc linc was ~lmost on top of the ~;round and was afraid it might be damaged so close to the ro~dway back to thc sew~r farm and where th~y would bc h~ving the strawberry beds. r'ir.DH,arris a°b ~ed to write th~ County in r~gard to drain~~e from Elm St. onto thc City i~roperty and ~lso in reg~rd to C~'T~lilaaC on Hal~yon Ro~d from the Highway. Ntr. I~ndcr5on w~s to giv~ him the informatic~n need~d for the letter. RESQLU2'ION ~357 A R~;SOlUTIOT~ OF' `i'IiE GI'i`Y C;OUNCIL OF 1H~, CIi'Y OF ARROYO n GR~IV~JE TO AUTHORI~E J. G. WII~SON, CITY `iHk,ASUN:F~t TO CASH ONE {1} ~3700 ~ond A~ATURy:dG D~CL'Ni`i~ER 1956 - i~iA'1'unTTY VALII~ ~50p0.00 Y'0 BE PU`l IN THE WA`i`F,R FUND a On motion of Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilm~n Le~ th~ foregoing resolution was adopted by the follo~ing roll call vote: .~Y~S: Counci~.men ]3rer~ri~n, J~cobs and Lee. tti'OES : None a ~i3SENT: I~yor Burt ~nd Councilm~n Pence. It w~s moved ~nd seconded that qouchers ~18 thru ~23 be ~uthorized for transfer. Bills ahainst the ^~cn~ral Fund for ~~.695.81, ~~t~r Fund for ~2101.65, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~I~72.00 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~v56.00 were ~ud~,ttd, approved ~n~.order~d p~id. • No further business appParixig ~apon motion the meeting;adj~urned. A~'TE:~T : ~ / ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~7,~ ~ P~ r~:,~•~'" . ~ity Clerk : ia~ for