Minutes 1956-12-04 4~. Ax~royo Grande, Calif. December lt, 1956 ~The City Council met i.n regular session with ~.yor Bu~t-presiding. Upon rc21 , call Counci7.~en Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported`present. Absent Councilman i~~e. Mf.nutes of the previous regul:ar'~eeting were read and approved as read. Chief Mi~e called attentioa to a communi:eatioa received fro~ the Calif. Disaster Office'in referenee to surplus Federal property. ~hief Mize suggested we check and see'if a generator ~ght be available o~~~~~ ~ The request for annexation received from Mr. Pfankuch ~ras discussed and alsa the soiiing of the praperty. Mr. Harris advised ~r. Pfankuch that neither the City Planning Co~nission ar the C3.ty Council could assure hir.i a zoning on the property as the property would have to he annexed befare any zonin~ action and ~ublic hear- ~.ngs would have to be held. g lengthy diseussion was held and I~r. PPan~uch said he would withdr~w his request_for annex~tion, however he reconsidered and a s~otion was made by Councilmaxi Pence to set a date for a public hearing, later his motian was withdrawn s4 they could check further to see if thsre Kas a possibility of annexation of the ce2netery and ad~acent property. ~ Councilman Pence and ~r. Anderson reported several requeats for water to irrigate peas on the Brisco Hil1 property had been received and so~e of t2~e propertp owners t~ere ~rorried far fear it would cause a shortage of water pressure to their property. Mr. Anderson was to eontact user~ and see if they would pay for the esctension of a 6 inch line to Newport ~ve. It was also a~reed to infor~ the user~ of irrigation water that in case of lo~r water pressure on top of the hill they would have to restrict the irrigation to night use. Mr. Anderson reported Mr. Earl ~ilkinsan had ~~p~~,~~~{c~ a eheek with the City for extension of a water line to the property east of tawn which they ar~ subdividing. I~Ir. Harris suggested a letter be xritten ta Mr. ~lilkin~on advising him we are holdin~ his check until the Council could study the extension to the property. Mr. Geo. Wofford from the 1)i.~rision of High~rays was present and reported he Waa " looking into the drainage from vernon Ave and also doing some work on the bank at the Hearn prapert~r. He would report back at a later date after he had a~ore tiais to look over the work and if the relocation of the highway had created a drainage problem there was a possi.'t~ility the H3.ghway nepartt?~ent Would take care of the watier by a pi.peline under the highw$y and running the water to the creek. 42 "~+Ir. Neale was present and asked about the relocation of the-sewers on Ya3.ley Road and tha.t area. A motion was made by Couneilman Jacobs, secanded by Council- man ~3rennan to advertise fc~r bids on the relocation of sewera, the bids to be opeaed January 2~ 1956 at 8 P.M. Motion carried. A motion was ma~ie bg Counci2man Jacobs, seconded by Couneilman Pence to pag ~ Mr. George gearson for the Fngineering services on the relocation of the sewer. The City would be reimbursed by the State when the sewer relocation ~ras com~leted. ~otion ~a~rried. Councilma.n ~3rennan suggested Mr. Harris prepare a resolution to prohibit parking on the xighway ~orth & South of Grand Ave. Chief i~i.ze asked per~ssion to place an order gor a lq5? ~hevroZet to r~place tY~e Police Car no~a in use, as it ~rould take several months to get de2ivery and the one now used would have to be worked on if `kept later than that. He was authorized to order the esr. Councilman Pence asked about a contribution from the Ci.ty on tl~te f3hrist~?s decorationg. It was agreed to donate same but wait until 3ater before deciding the amount to donate. Bills against th~ General Fund for ~35~6.13, the Water Fund far ~1568.16, t,he , Special Gas Tax St. I~np. Fund for $2627.l~$, the ~ewer Rental Fund for ~~..26, the Water Deposit ~'und for ~12.00 and the Treasurer's Departmental `rrust fund for ~150.00 were aud.ited~ approved, and ordered paid. It was moved and seconded that Vouchers ~2~ through ~29 be authorized for transf~r. ~ No further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. , . . „ ~ r Y . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1?TTEST2 ~ t. ' ,°~i . ~ f City lerk ~ yor :