Minutes 1957-01-02 4~ lrroyo ~rande, Calif. January 2, 19~7 The City ~ouncil met in regular session with NSSayor ~urt presiding. Upon ro21 call Councilmen Lee, ~ence, Jacobs and 9rennan reported present. Minutes of' the previous regu2ar and spec3.a1 mee~in~a were read and approved as rsa~d. It was reported the persor_s had been contacted to serve on the Citizens Comrnittee to study ptarchase oP new ~ire equf.pment and fire housa and all had agreed to servoe. Mayor Burt said he would like to appoint Mr. Hartwig Chairman of the Committee. Mr Harris was to prepare a letter and outline of information. It was agreed the bi12 for payment on the garbage franchise be put in escrow and after discussian a motion was made by Counailman Jacobs~ seconded by Councilman s~rennan to authorize the transfer~of the garbage franchise from Andrews to Mr. Orville John and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. Motion carried. It was reported Mr. Clair Gibson ~ras a local repres~ntative of the Human~ ~ociety and he be askEd to attend the next meeti.ng of the Council. Bids were opened for relocation of the sewer lines and it was agreed to take the bids under advis~ment to be awarded at the next meeting. Mr. I~rer. Nexman was present to discuss a water line to property he had purchased on Grand ~ve. Iie was told the line shoul.d be a 6 inch line aad after discussion a motion was rnade by ~ouncilman Pence that the water line be installed under the present policy of $2.00 per lineal foot and the cost of materials for. honse cvnnections, sub3ect to deposit of the money by Mr. Newman. The motion waa seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members voted Ays. It was moved and seconded that Councilman Lee be given permission to leave the State. P~Iotion Carried. Bills aga3.nst the General ~und for ~6511.23, the ~ater Fund for ~1607,99, the Water Deposit fund for ~20.00 and the Sewer Rental Fund for ~1~1.15 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. It was mo4ed and seconded that vouchers ~30 through ~37 be authorized for , transer. It was suggested the @itizens ~ater Committee study the cost of in~talling water lines and meter installation cost ~rhen they met and make recommendations. ~fr. Anderson was to figure costs on materials and labor for installation of both ~ and 6 inch lines. No further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. ~ „ ~ /1 ATTFST : ~ ~ ~ i Gi.ty Clerk ~ l~ayor