Minutes 1957-01-15 4? Arroyo Grande, Calif. January 8, 1957 Infprmal meeting held in the City Hs11 to discuss in~ormation to be prepare~ q for Citizens Commi.ttse to-study proposed pro~ect for purchase of fire equip~nt and fire house. Present Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Jacobs, Mr. Harris, P~. Anderson~ Fire Chief I~arsalek and Assistant ~hief Hennett. The tentative plan and estimates which had been prepared on the building were discussed and it ~ras agreed the equipment and building could be done with a~l~0~0()0 bond ~ssue. Mr. Lee was to call and see if there had been an increase in the cost of equipment and ~'ir. Anderson was to check figures on the building. Mr. N.arris agreed to have informat3on rsady for the corr~nittee by the lst w~ek in February. No £urther business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. Arroyo Grande, Calif. ~ January 15, 1957 The City Council ~et ir~ regular session wi.th ~~iayor ~3urt presiding. ~pon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee, Fence, Jacobs and I~rennan reported present. 2'he mi.nutes of the previous regu~ar meeting were read and appraved a~ read, also minutes of the informal meeting held January 8 to discuss infor- mation on Fire Uepartment. It w~s agreed there xould be no transfer of the garbage franchise until the fees were pa3.d for the current year. Mr. ~lair ~ibson, ~r. ~hitman, ~rs. 0'Connor and i~[r. Sorrx~gyi fro~? the Woods 1~ni.mal 5helter were present to discuss the care of ~i3~R,. `i'hey said they could not t~ke sick or injured dogs, and they would not be able to pick up dogs. If dogs were taken to the shelter they would care for them uratil they wera redeemed or disposed of, far a small charge. ~fter a long discussion it was agreed to write tt~e i~oard of Supervisors to a~sk for some cooperation 'from the County Poundmagter. The bids for relocation of sewers having been cheeked by the Engineers and found correct a motion was made by ~ouncilman Jacobs to accept the lo~ bid of W. M. Lyles Co. and to tuthorize th~ ~tayor to sign the ~ontract for the City, the mvtion was seconded by Couneilman Ze~ and all members voted Aye. 48 The water line to the Wilkinson, Bonjour property was discussed and a motion rr~ade .<by Counci.lman Pence, seconded by Counci7.man Jacobs to acr.ept the application for water and have ~~r. Harris prepare a le~t~r to Mr. 1~ilkinson on the Wate~ I,ine. It was agreed to meet with property owners along Huasna Road to see hcrw ; they felt about annexatian, as it would make a difference about the size of the water n~in needed to care for the area, It was suggest~d the meeting be set ~or January 29th. ~o~;ncilm~an Lee reported he had called several the companies who had given figures on Fire Trucks to see if .there had been.an increase in price. He was told there had~been a slight increase from one of the companies, but none on the American La ~`rance ~o. Fire ~hief T~arsalsk asked about the Fire Department contribution for the ye~r and it was agreed to have the warrant reacl~y for the n~xt meeting. Chief ~~ize asked permission to attend the Zone i~eeting for Peace ~fficers in Fresno F~bruary lst, and it ~aas moved, seconded and carried to grant his request. Bills against the ~en~ral ~und for ~23$8.09 and th~ ~+ater Fund for ~1011~.12 were audited approged and ordered paid. No further pusiness appearing upon motion he meeting ad~ourned. ` ~ , ~ ~tte3t: ~ ~ ~ ~ -~'<.~~~%~4 ; ~ ~ _ City Clerk ~ Mayor