Minutes 1957-04-02 Arroyo Grande, Galif . '~5 ~pril 2, 1957 The Council. ~t in xegular session with Maqor Bur~ presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and ~3rennan reported present. The Citizen's Fir~ Bond Committee were present and the Council discussed the proposed bond issue. Mr. Harris agreed to write the Bureau of Fire Ur~der- writers asking what change in rates could be expected ~rith the purchase of n~w equipment. He also agreed to prepare a brochur~ to be used to aequaint the voters of the City wi.th the proposed Bond issue. After discussion the comm~it~ee met and appointed WiZlard Cole Chairman ~nd ~rs. Helen Sharps, Secretary. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. A letter from Mr. George Pearson suggesting the size of new water line8 was read. s Bids on asbestos cement pipe were opened from the Johns-Manville Sales Carp.~ The Crane Co and Viking Supply Corp. It was agreed to take the bici~ under advisement and ad~ourn this meeting to a 1~ter date before making the , decision on awarding the bid. It was agreed to accept the recomrnendation of Mr. Pearson as to size of lines ea~t of town and order l~000 ft of 8 ineh pipe and l~000 ft of 6 inch. pThe request of F. E~ Menges Jr. for a license to conduct dances in the Arroyo Grande Agsociation Hall was read and a motion was made by~Council~an Lee,~~seconded by Councilman Penee to issue the license. Al1 members voted Aye. Applications for anne~cation were read from Mr. and ~rs. George W, A11en~ l~rs. Elizabeth Griffin~ Mr, and Mrs. Lester ~loane and l~r. and A'1rs. Henry J. ~a~tena. RESOLUTION ~36? OF 7~'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRAIdDE, COUNTY OF SAN I,UIS OBISPU, REi,A.~IVE TO THE A~IINFX.I~TION OF CERTAIN UPiINHA1~ITED TERRII'ORY TO THE CITY OF ARKOYO GRAND~. On motion of Councilman Lee, secanded by Councilman Jacobs~ and on the fo2lowing,ro21 call ~ote, to-~rits ~,YES: Councilmen Lee,Penc~, Jacabs, Brennan and Mayor Burt. NOES: None . . "J~BSEN`T : None . The Poregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of ~pril~ 1957. Questionait•es to the property owners in ~hort, Poole and Whiteley Streets, Were to be mailed and it was agreed to ask their return by May lst. A letter to Mr. A. M. Nash was read an~.~'~syor Burt was ~uthorized to ~ign for the City. It was agreed to have clean-up week April 29th to ~`~ay 3rd. ~ills a$ainst ~he General Fund for ~lt703.21~, the Water Fund for ~2lt87.99~ the Water Deposit Fund for ~12.00 and the ~ewer Rental Fund for ~103.35 Were audited, approved and ordered paid. ~n motion of Councilman ~acabs, ~econded by CounciLnan Pence Vouchers ~lt9 tnrougn 55 ~ere authorized for transfer.. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ad~ourned to April l~th at 5:30 P, M. _ . ~j . .~TTF.~ST s ~C r,~ k..~(.~ City Clerk yo~ Arroyo Grande,Calif. 5=30 April !t, 195T ~'he Council met in an ad~ourned aieeting with Councilman Pence, Mayor f Fro ~.'em pr~:siding. Councilmen Zee, Jacobs and ~3rennan reporting present. ~.bsent ~ayor Burt. _ .~fter discussion of the bids on Pipe, a motion ~ras ~nade by ~ouncilman ~ Lee, seconded by Council.man Brennan to accept the bid of ~iking Sales Corp. Motion Carried. RESOLUTION #368 OF THE CI~Y GC7UNCIL OF 7'HE CIZ'Y OF ARROYO GftANDE, CQUN3'Y ~F S.~t LttI~ OBISPO, R~LATI~ T~ THE ANNEXATION OF CSRTAIN UBT~ . _ . INH~iBITED TERRITORY TO THE CIT~ OF ARRQFO GRANDE. , On motion of Councilman Brennan~ secanded by Councilman Jacobs, and on the followin~ roll call vote, to wit: ~YES: Councilmen Zee~Pence, ~acobs and Brennan NOE'S : None ABSEtdT: Niayor Burt. The foregoing Resolution was adopted~this l~th day of April, 1957 No further business appearing it was moved and s~conded the meeting be ad~aurned. ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~1T~iT: ~ ~ ~ -~~_~i~fi€~ ~ ~ ) tu City Clerk , y-or ro em.