Minutes 1957-07-16 ~rroyo Grancie~~ Calif. . Ju3y 16, 1957 The Gi~y ~ouncil met in regular session~wi.th Mayar $urt presiding. ~pan ro]]. call Ccuncia.msn Lee an.d Pene~ reported preser~t. 6bsexit Gouncilmen Jacob~ az?d Brennan. M~,.nutes of the previous re~u~.ar meeting w~re read and approwed as read, The report on chan.ge in garba~e rates was ta be held cver until ~ext ~et- ing ~a ~ouncilman ~rennan could be present wit.h the ca~tte~ rec~~ndations. It wa~ al~o agre~d to hold Aver until next mee~3ng the r~port ut' the Cam~ri.ttee appointed to atudy the care and control of d~g~. Mr. ~'kl~nr~n had plans and ~peci.fieations for the 8" . inch xater lin~ cu~ Hu~~sna Aoad xhich were discu~~sed and appr~val was given to Forward game to Sacra~nento for their approval: 1'he Counc3.1 agreed to ha,ve road grades ~stablished for Sout~i Alpine ~o the Sewer installation ~rould confor~ to ~treet work ta be done later. Fifteen years Future plani~g for ~treets was dis~~ed tc> confora~ to State and Federal. plsns, Cleaning of Lot~ wa~ discussed arsd ~r. Haarris a~reed ta prepare S P83fl~.11'hr~.DII iF thny ~~v~ hi~ the deacriptions of property. llirectiom,al s3.gns to be placed ~t Halcyon and Cxrand was discussed and the ~ ~lerk instruc~ed t~o ~rrite t,he~ Covn~y to see if they would ius'~all. the~. , Ghief Mi.z~e asked 1~. H~rris fc>r a letter ~r3.th a ruling on C?rd~.riance Na. 6b~ the Green R~.v~ (~~~ce. L. S. Fernanberg asked when work s~as to be done on Pcole and Short streets, He sugge~ted 3~ property owners l~ew~so~ ~ight go ah~ad and ha~e curb and guttera i~talled. He~ was told they planr~ed to put new ~rater lines in before rest~rfacj.ri~ the ~treets• ~ills agains~ the ~ener~l ~'tind for ~3,1~7.19 xere ~,uditedsappro~ed and arcl~red paid. . No further bus3.nes~ appearing the ~ee'~ing ad~ourr~ed. . ATTESTa - '