Minutes 1957-08-06 ~s Arroya Grande, ~a:tif. Av,gu~t 6, 1957 . The City Council n~et in regular session with Mayor Burt pr~sid3ng. Upcm roll call ~ouneil~en Lee~ Penee~ Jacobs and Brennan reported present. ~ Mi.n~xte~ of the previ.ous regul.ar ~eeting were read and approved as r~ad. & report from the fire Ccm~,ttee ~ras ~i.vsn ~rith their recomme~datior~s. 2`he Coun~il ar~d Comm3.ttes discussed the reco~ndat3.ons and ~he ~ouneil would g3.ve tht Commi.ttee a repcrrt by the ~.ugust 1lt.th meeting of the ~omm~.ttee. Mayar • - Burt thanked the Go~Lttee for their interest ~nd ~rork. M~yor Burt appoi,nted Councilman Jacobs tow~k ~i~'~ the South ~an Lui~ Obisp+~ Ch~ber of Ccnm~rce Com~.ttee working cn the brochure and also to serve on the Chas~ber Board of Directflrs. . Mr. Harris read the newly prepared Sales Tax ordinance ~d ~.t ~a~ n~ved' seeond~d and unani~ously agreed to contribute 1/lOth o~ 1 percent t~o the Gauntg. RESOLUTION N0. 371 WIT33L~tAWING APPLIC~.TTt3N AND R~SCINDINa RESOLUTIOA3 ~ On motic~x~ of ~auncilman Pence, second~d by Gaunc~.lman Brennan and b~r th~ fcllowing roll call co~e tc3 w~.t: - AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Per~ae, Jacobs sand Brerina,n. NOES: ldone ABSffiJT: None the forego3.r~g resolution t~ras adopted. RESOLUTION ATO. 37~ A RESOZUTZ~N ~F THE CITY C~UNCIL OF THE GITY OF ARR.OY~ GRANDE~ T~ AME1~1~ PARAGRAPI3 6 OF RES~I,UTION N4. 363, . TO READ AS F4~LI,~WS : , . . On mation of Couneilman Fenee, seconded by council~an Jaeob~ and by the follawing roll call vote #.o wit: ~ AYES: Gouncilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan NOF~: D14ne , . ABSIIdT: Non~ . _ the foregoing reaolution was adc~pted. The Council agreed to increase the Bodil.~r I~,~ury and Praperty ~ma~e in~uranae to ~204~f~IfJ and ~~~~OQ arid alsa to ineres~e the property d~ma~e tc~ ~50~Q00. Mr. A~uierson reparted he ha.d agproval fro~ the S~tate to advertise Par bi.ds on the Hua~na Rc>a,d Water Line. Th~ Gowneil authorized the advertis3.ng on the bids and set the time for opening August 20th at 7:3U P. ~I. Bills agaanst the General Fund for ~8U$2.79, the Water fund ~or ~lllb.4~.i t.he : Se~rer Rental Fuad for ~1~9.8a ar~d the Water Deposi~ ~d .for ~2~..0t3 were ~udited, approved and ordered paid. Youchers l through No, 8 were suthori~ed for transfer upon ~oti4n +~t '~,f Councilman dacobs, seconded by Council~an Lee, AI.1 Council members ~vo~ed Ave, No tlirther bu~ine~s the meeting ad~ovrned tc~ 5:34 P. M. Auga~t 13, 1957. ATTESTs ~ t ~~r ~ . ~ ity lerk ~l yQr 4 Arroyo t3rande, Calif. . .~.ugust 13, 195? , 0 5;~ The City Counci.l met in ax~ adjouurrned ~ession wi.th A4avor Burt pre~iding. . Upon Ro'll, Ca1,l Councilmen Pence, Jacobs and Brennat~ reported present. Abssnt Councilman Lee. 1~. Harris read the heading of Ord3naxiee No. 121 and a~tic~n was ~aade }~y Council~nar? Breru~ari~ ~ecanded by Counc3lman Jacobs to dispense with reading the ba7.ance of ths t3rc~.rtar3ce. A11 Members vated Ape, ORDINANCE ATO. 121 J~N ~RDSIJANGE OF THE CITY OF ARROY~ GR~+1DE, Ir+~'()STNG l GI2'Y' ~ALES AND U~E TA3~ s PROVTDING FOR THE P~tFORA3ANCE BY ~'HE ST~TE BOARD OF EQU.~I~IZATION ~F ALL FUNCTIONS IN- , GIDII~TT TO THE AIINLTNISTRATION, OPEft.A,TION AND C~LLECTIOAI OF THE S.ALES ANll USE TAX FiF~tffiY INNfPOSED: AND PROVIDIN~ PSNALTIES FOR VIOLATI~N THERFAF. th~ mot3.on of Councilman Jacobs, ~econded by Councilman Brennan ~nd ads the following roll call vote to-wits AYFSs Councilz~en Burt, Jacobs, Bren~an and Pence. Noess None ABSENTs Cauncilman I.ee the foregoing ordinance was adcapted th3.s 13'~~ ~3r Qf Augus~ 19~7. RF.SC)LUTIOAT N0, ~'j~ 1 RFSQI,UTI~N E}F THE GTTY Ct}UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYD GRANDE AIITHORIZING THE EXECUTI~~T OF AN AGRE~NT WITH THE STAT~ BOARD OF EQUALIZATIflAi ~F THE STATE OF CAI,IFORNI~ FOR THE AI~LCNZS2'R,ATION BY SAID &?Afti3 OF THE ARROY£3 GRANDE GI~`Y' S,A.LES AND U3E TAXffi - On Motion of ~ouncilman Pence, and ~econded b~ Couneilmari Jacabs and on the follvxin~ roll call vote, tca ~,rits AYESa Gounci.l~en Burt, Jacobs~ Brennant Pence. AtOES a Noae 1l&S~dT: Councilman Lee the foregoing resalution ~ras adopted th3s 13'~h day of A~agr~st 19~7, Mr, Harris reported he had talked by telephone to the Board of ~ire IInder- ~riters and they wovld trg and have an engineer dor~m to make a survey ~r3.tbin 2 or 3 wee~. No further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. i ~ + ~ ~ ~ ATTEST : ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - CTTY