Minutes 1957-08-20 68 Arroyo Grande, Calif. Augus~ 2~, 1957 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Up~n roll ca11 Couneilmen Lee and Pence reported present. Absent Couneilt~n dacobs and Brennan. Minutes of the prev3ous regular and ad~ourned meetings were read and approved as read. Bids for i~stallation of 8 inch water line on Hua.sna Road were opened and N~. McLennan and J, E. Anderson were excused to check the figures 3.n th~ bids. ~he representatives f'rom the Fire Go~maittes submitted revised recomanendations and discta.saed the report wi~h the Gauricil. Coun~ci7.~an Pence made amo~ic>n to accept the report and commended ~h~ Co~ittee for their efforts and the Council agr~~d. ' to follow the recorrnnendations to the best of the3.r ability. RESOLTJTION NUMB~ 37~t RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, I~EVYINQr' TAXES FQR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, 195?-58, IIPON ALL TAXABLE PR9P~tTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND FIXTNG THE RATE OF SUCH TA~ ~ On motian of Covncilman P~nee and seconded by Gouncilman Le~a,,and on the fo2low:i.ng ro11. ca11 vote: dYES: Councilmen Burt~ Zee and Pence. NOES: R1one ABSIIJT: Councilmen Jacobs and Brennan. the f~regoing resolution was adopted this 2~th ds~r of ~.ugust~ 1957, The ~ngineers reported the figures had been checked on the ~ater Zine bid~ and the L. E~ W~bb Cflnstruetion Co. bid wc~s the low bid. A motion was made by ~ouneilman Pence to accept the ].o~t bid and award the bid to L, E, Webb Conatruction Go, and that Mayor Burt be authorized to sign ttle eoutract for the City. 2'he motic~n was seconded b9 Cou~cilman Lee and all members present voted ~ge, xESOLU~zor~ u~s~ 375 RE~LUTIC3~T QF THS CITY COUNCIL aF THE CITY OF ARR(?Yt~ aRA7~lDE~ DET~E~M'I1~zNG THAT. TH~ PIJBLIG INTER~~..~TD N~ffiSITY ~~NDiS fiH~ ACQtTISITZO~T 4F ~i `NE~T FI~i~ ENGIIYE ;~,ND THE CflNS~RUGZ'IOAi OF A NE[~T FI~i.L ST.~TI~~.. ~n rnotion o,~ Couneilman Lee and seconded by Gounei].m,an Pence, and on the - fo110wing roll call vate: AYES: Councila~n Burt, L~e, Pence. NOES: Notte ABSEAT~: Coixncilman Jacobs and Brennan, ° the foregoin~ xesolution was adopted this 20th day of August 1957. Bi11s against the General ~'urid for $~3153.9? were audi.ted~ approved and orde~~d paid. ~ " ~To ather business appearing~ upon motion. th~ meeting adjou~ned. ~ ATTEST s C c~,