Minutes 1957-09-17 Arr~ya t3raad+~' C~l.if • Septe~ber 17, 1957 The City Covncil n~et i~. regu].ar session ~rS.th ~3agc3r Bt~rt presidi~tg. Up~ r~ll call ~4unc3.lm~n Pence and Jacubs repnrted present. Cotu~cilman Bre~art absent. Gowacil~a.n I~ee arrived la.ter. ~ , Manutes of the previous regular nteeting t~ere read arsd approved as read: Esti~ates on Sewer installation a~d ~treet excavation were ~3.ven c>a 4lpine Street and AIe~ ~rive. ~he ccst of lc~,rerin~ street grad~s sACi in~t~alling sewer vatild be abc~~u.t the a~vnt eoeti~ated for se~er insst~llatioa, I~cn Ctvl].ickson was presea~ and t'elt the propertg o~mers wau].d be xiS].~.r~g tQ P$Y fEar lc~rering the ~treet gradgs as the~r had expeeted tc pay about ~3.2~ per foot for th~ se~er alone. It was agreed the Cit~ resurface the stree~s if the property owner~ would take eare ~f lo~reri.r;g the grades. 7'he ez~i~eers ~ott7.d be ready to ca11 for bids at the ne~t council meeting. Couucil~nan Jacobs reported several praperty c~mers r~ished to 3nst~7.l eurbs anci gutt,e~s if the st.ree~ ~ras pu.~ ~o grade. • Bids an a netT fire truek were opsned and were to be t,aken under actvi~e- men~, - , ~z,u~za~ xo. 378 ~ A RESOLUTiC3id A3~~NII~G AND ~OSII~G A PORTI~N 4F ~ AI,LEY IN T~3E W.AI,NUT GRDVE ADDITIORT TQ THE CITY 4F .ARROYU GRAN13Ei C4U~1TY OF SAN LUTS OBISP4~ ST.~TE QF CAI,IFFUftNIA dn motivn of Goun,~,i.lman Pence and ~econded by Counci7.~san ~acobss the faregoing resolutian is adopted 4~. the fol7.cn~.ng rnll call vote: AYES: Gouncilmen Burt~ Penee arid Jacobs. NOffi: ~tene 14BSF.NT: CaEunc3.l~en Z~ee ar~d Brezu~a l~r. ~der~on as~c~c3 about hiring a man to help with in~peetia~ and extra work. It was a~reed t,o study the bud~et to sse ii! it w~uld be possible~ I~. I~iarris read a petition requ~sting perra3.ssion. ~a st,art annexatioa proceeci~igs ~f` the area l~ring ~e~t o~' Ha~7.c3ron Road tc> 18th ~treet and frc~~ Farrel7. Rc>a,d og the South to 101 ~ighwa~ on the narth. ~f°ter discussioa and exglariation of at~nexa~io~ proceec~.ings by Mr. Harris a motian was made by Caunc3.l~an P~sce, ~econd,ed by ~nunciJ~nan dacobs cansentin~ to cs~na~eacing ths prc~ceedings a~cord3.ng ta Section 351~6 of the Goverr~ent Ca~de. (hi r.c~3]. call ~ote Mayor ~t, ~ouncil~en Fe~.ce and JacQbs vo~ed Ay~. ~uncil.n~en 1~a~ ~~enn~an abaeu~, ?2 ~he Coune3.1 au~~.horized I+?~. Aarris t~c r~aPer the anr~exation tc~ the Cou~ty~ Boundary Cfl~ii.ssicn and alsa Fair ~aks N~. 2 and Fair E?aka Rio. 3 Whi~~ ~rere received: . Mapc~r Bvrt ~as au-Ghor~.~ed to graclaim t~c~ber 8tk~ as Gonstitt~ti~n ~q, ' Bi.11~s agai~st the General F~nd for ~,32~43.33 ~ere auc~.ted, ~ppr<rv~d aad ~ ardsred paid. Caut~cilma~. ~acobs ~ade a motion, seconded by ~AUncil~ag Pence t~ refer , the a~ne~ati~n pr<>pasals fi.c> the C3.ty P1~3.ng G~i.ssion, Mot3o~ ~arried. I~o further busiAes~ appeari.ng the ~e~in~ adjn~rned. ~ R~ ATTES~. ~ ~ ~ .,~~~!~'f,. ~ ~ ~n,J~, . ~ ~ ~ ~ 17'Y ~ p Arro~o Grand~~ Galif: ~ctober 1, 1957 The ~ity ~ou~cil met in regu].ar sessi€~n ~itY~ M~yar $art pre~iding. Up~g roll call ~avncil~n Lee, Pence, Jacab~ and Brenr~an reported present., l~i.nu~es o~ th~ previc~u~ r.egular meetirig w~re read and appro~?ed aae? read; Bids for f`urni~hing f3re equip~uent were apened f'ro~ !t cc~~tpanies. Represent- at3.ves were interroi~d on~ ~t a time on th~ ~ri~Gs af the eqvip~en~ ~hgy t~ere bidding on. A reeess wa~ called to discuss the bid~ ar;d after c~3.~cu~~iaz~ it vas agreed to pr~pare new specifications and c+~17. for bids on a 1~0 GPP2 p~er an.d ask for specific figures on leas~ purchase. ~he bic~ Kere t,cy be ape~ed St ~1~ f3.i St ~LBt3t311g 3.11 ~~4@~t1beT: ~he clerk tiras i~s~tructed to write a letter to the Divi~ian of Hig}sways asking that th~ present ~ighway throu~h tawn be designated as a business route when the Freeway through tow~9, was co~Zeted. ~ It ~ras a~reed ta send the Cc?unty a eheek for ~6ty0.0~~ as buclgeted ' for t~h3.s years payment an the overpaysnent of' fines ~t~m the ~out~tg. ~he letter fro~ Gle~ent Lambert asking for painting and signs on sehool crosswalks wa5 referred to ~hief Mi~e. r .